Source code for dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope

# coding: utf8
""" Implementation of the class :class:`MultivariateJacobiOPE` used in :cite:`GaBaVa19` for Monte Carlo with Determinantal Point Processes

It has 3 main methods:

- :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.sample` to generate samples
- :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.K` to evaluate the corresponding projection kernel
- :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.plot` to display 1D or 2D samples

import numpy as np
import itertools as itt

from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import beta, betaln, factorial, gamma, gammaln
from scipy.special import eval_jacobi
# from scipy.special import logsumexp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from dppy.random_matrices import mu_ref_beta_sampler_tridiag as tridiagonal_model

from dppy.utils import check_random_state, inner1d

[docs]class MultivariateJacobiOPE: """ Multivariate Jacobi Orthogonal Polynomial Ensemble used in :cite:`GaBaVa19` for Monte Carlo with Determinantal Point Processes This corresponds to a continuous multivariate projection DPP with state space :math:`[-1, 1]^d` with respect to - reference measure :math:`\\mu(dx) = w(x) dx` (see also :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.eval_w`), where .. math:: w(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} (1-x_i)^{a_i} (1+x_i)^{b_i} - kernel :math:`K` (see also :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.K`) .. math:: K(x, y) = \\sum_{\\mathfrak{b}(k)=0}^{N-1} P_{k}(x) P_{k}(y) = \\Phi(x)^{\\top} \\Phi(y) where - :math:`k \\in \\mathbb{N}^d` is a multi-index ordered according to the ordering :math:`\\mathfrak{b}` (see :py:meth:`compute_ordering`) - :math:`P_{k}(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^d P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x_i)` is the product of orthonormal Jacobi polynomials .. math:: \\int_{-1}^{1} P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u) P_{\\ell}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u) (1-u)^{a_i} (1+u)^{b_i} d u = \\delta_{k\\ell} so that :math:`(P_{k})` are orthonormal w.r.t :math:`\\mu(dx)` - :math:`\\Phi(x) = \\left(P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0)}(x), \\dots, P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1)}(x) \\right)^{\\top}` :param N: Number of points :math:`N \\geq 1` :type N: int :param jacobi_params: Jacobi parameters :math:`[(a_i, b_i)]_{i=1}^d` The number of rows :math:`d` prescribes the ambient dimension of the points i.e. :math:`x_{1}, \\dots, x_{N} \\in [-1, 1]^d`. - when :math:`d=1`, :math:`a_1, b_1 > -1` - when :math:`d \\geq 2`, :math:`|a_i|, |b_i| \\leq \\frac{1}{2}` :type jacobi_params: array_like .. seealso:: - :ref:`multivariate_jacobi_ope` - when :math:`d=1`, the :ref:`univariate Jacobi ensemble <jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` is sampled by computing the eigenvalues of a properly randomized :ref:`tridiagonal matrix <jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` of :cite:`KiNe04` - :cite:`BaHa16` initiated the use of the multivariate Jacobi ensemble for Monte Carlo integration. In particular, they proved CLT with variance decay of order :math:`N^{-(1+1/d)}` which is faster that the :math:`N^{-1}` rate of vanilla Monte Carlo where the points are drawn i.i.d. from the base measure. """ def __init__(self, N, jacobi_params): self.N, self.jacobi_params, self.dim =\ self._check_params(N, jacobi_params) self.ordering = compute_ordering(self.N, self.dim) self.deg_max, self.degrees_1D_polynomials =\ compute_degrees_1D_polynomials(np.max(self.ordering, axis=0)) self.norms_1D_polynomials =\ compute_norms_1D_polynomials(self.jacobi_params, self.deg_max) self.square_norms_multiD_polynomials =\**2)[self.ordering, range(self.dim)], axis=1) self.mass_of_mu = self.square_norms_multiD_polynomials[0] self.rejection_bounds =\ compute_rejection_bounds(self.jacobi_params, self.ordering, log_scale=True) def _check_params(self, N, jacobi_params): """ Check that: - The number of points :math:`N \\geq 1` - Jacobi parameters - when :math:`d=1` we must have :math:`a_1, b_1 > -1` - when :math:`d \\geq 2` we must have :math:`|a_i|, |b_i| \\leq \\frac{1}{2}`. """ if type(N) is not int or N < 1: raise ValueError('Number of points N={} < 1'.format(N)) dim = jacobi_params.size // 2 if dim == 1 and not np.all(jacobi_params > -1): raise ValueError('d=1, Jacobi parameters must be > -1') elif dim >= 2 and not np.all(np.abs(jacobi_params) <= 0.5): raise ValueError('d={}, Jacobi parameters be in [-0.5, 0.5]^d'.format(dim)) return N, jacobi_params, dim
[docs] def eval_w(self, X): """Evaluate :math:`w(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} (1-x_i)^{a_i} (1+x_i)^{b_i}` which corresponds to the density of the base measure :math:`\\mu(dx) = w(x) dx` :param X: :math:`M\\times d` array of :math:`M` points :math:`\\in [-1, 1]^d` :type X: array_like :return: :math:`w(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} (1-x_i)^{a_i} (1+x_i)^{b_i}` :rtype: array_like """ a, b = self.jacobi_params.T return - X)**a * (1.0 + X)**b, axis=-1)
[docs] def eval_multiD_polynomials(self, X): """Evaluate .. math:: \\mathbf{\\Phi}(X) := \\begin{pmatrix} \\Phi(x_1)^{\\top}\\\\ \\vdots\\\\ \\Phi(x_M)^{\\top} \\end{pmatrix} where :math:`\\Phi(x) = \\left(P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0)}(x), \\dots, P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1)}(x) \\right)^{\\top}` such that :math:`K(x, y) = \\Phi(x)^{\\top} \\Phi(y)`. Recall that :math:`\\mathfrak{b}` denotes the ordering chosen to order multi-indices :math:`k\\in \\mathbb{N}^d`. This is done by evaluating each of the `three-term recurrence relations <>`_ satisfied by each univariate orthogonal Jacobi polynomial, using the dedicated `see also SciPy <>`_ :func:`scipy.special.eval_jacobi` satistified by the respective univariate Jacobi polynomials :math:`P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x_i)`. Then we use the slicing feature of the Python language to compute :math:`\\Phi(x)=\\left(P_{k}(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^d P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x_i)\\right)_{k=\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0), \\dots, \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1)}^{\\top}` :param X: :math:`M\\times d` array of :math:`M` points :math:`\\in [-1, 1]^d` :type X: array_like :return: :math:`\\mathbf{\\Phi}(X)` - :math:`M\\times N` array :rtype: array_like .. seealso:: - evaluation of the kernel :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.K` """ poly_1D_jacobi = eval_jacobi(self.degrees_1D_polynomials, self.jacobi_params[:, 0], self.jacobi_params[:, 1], np.atleast_2d(X)[:, None])\ / self.norms_1D_polynomials return[:, self.ordering, range(self.dim)], axis=2)
[docs] def K(self, X, Y=None, eval_pointwise=False): """Evalute :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in Y}` if ``eval_pointwise=False`` or :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{(x, y)\\in (X, Y)}` otherwise .. math:: K(x, y) = \\sum_{\\mathfrak{b}(k)=0}^{N-1} P_{k}(x) P_{k}(y) = \\phi(x)^{\\top} \\phi(y) where - :math:`k \\in \\mathbb{N}^d` is a multi-index ordered according to the ordering :math:`\\mathfrak{b}`, :py:meth:`compute_ordering` - :math:`P_{k}(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^d P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x_i)` is the product of orthonormal Jacobi polynomials .. math:: \\int_{-1}^{1} P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u) P_{\\ell}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u) (1-u)^{a_i} (1+u)^{b_i} d u = \\delta_{k\\ell} so that :math:`(P_{k})` are orthonormal w.r.t :math:`\\mu(dx)` - :math:`\\Phi(x) = \\left(P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0)}(x), \\dots, P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1)}(x) \\right)`, see :py:meth:`eval_multiD_polynomials` :param X: :math:`M\\times d` array of :math:`M` points :math:`\\in [-1, 1]^d` :type X: array_like :param Y: :math:`M'\\times d` array of :math:`M'` points :math:`\\in [-1, 1]^d` :type Y: array_like (default None) :param eval_pointwise: sets pointwise evaluation of the kernel, if ``True``, :math:`X` and :math:`Y` must have the same shape, see Returns :type eval_pointwise: bool (default False) :return: If ``eval_pointwise=False`` (default), evaluate the kernel matrix .. math:: \\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in Y} If ``eval_pointwise=True`` kernel matrix Pointwise evaluation of :math:`K` as depicted in the following pseudo code output - if ``Y`` is ``None`` - :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in X}` if ``eval_pointwise=False`` - :math:`\\left(K(x, x)\\right)_{x\\in X}` if ``eval_pointwise=True`` - otherwise - :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in Y}` if ``eval_pointwise=False`` - :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{(x, y)\\in (X, Y)}` if ``eval_pointwise=True`` (in this case X and Y should have the same shape) :rtype: array_like .. seealso:: :py:meth:`eval_multiD_polynomials` """ X = np.atleast_2d(X) if Y is None or Y is X: phi_X = self.eval_multiD_polynomials(X) if eval_pointwise: return inner1d(phi_X, phi_X, axis=1) else: return else: len_X = len(X) phi_XY = self.eval_multiD_polynomials(np.vstack((X, Y))) if eval_pointwise: return inner1d(phi_XY[:len_X], phi_XY[len_X:], axis=1) else: return phi_XY[:len_X].dot(phi_XY[len_X:].T)
[docs] def sample_chain_rule_proposal(self, nb_trials_max=10000, random_state=None): """Use a rejection sampling mechanism to sample .. math:: \\frac{1}{N} K(x, x) w(x) dx = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{\\mathfrak{b}(k)=0}^{N-1} \\left( \\frac{P_k(x)}{\\left\\| P_k \\right\\|} \\right)^2 w(x) with proposal distribution .. math:: w_{eq}(x) d x = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} \\frac{1}{\\pi\\sqrt{1-(x_i)^2}} d x_i Since the target density is a mixture, we can sample from it by 1. Select a multi-index :math:`k` uniformly at random in :math:`\\left\\{ \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0), \\dots, \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1) \\right\\}` 2. Sample from :math:`\\left( \\frac{P_k(x)}{\\left\\| P_k \\right\\|} \\right)^2 w(x) dx` with proposal :math:`w_{eq}(x) d x`. The acceptance ratio writes .. math:: \\frac{ \\left( \\frac{P_k(x)}{\\left\\| P_k \\right\\|} \\right)^2 w(x)} {w_{eq}(x)} = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} \\pi \\left( \\frac{P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x)} {\\left\\| P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)} \\right\\|} \\right)^2 (1-x_i)^{a_i+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+x_i)^{b_i+\\frac{1}{2}} \\leq C_{k} which can be bounded using the result of :cite:`Gau09` on Jacobi polynomials. .. note:: Each of the rejection constant :math:`C_{k}` is computed at initialization of the :py:class:`MultivariateJacobiOPE` object using :py:meth:`compute_rejection_bounds` :return: A sample :math:`x\\in[-1,1]^d` with probability distribution :math:`\\frac{1}{N} K(x,x) w(x)` :rtype: array_like .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`compute_rejection_bounds` - :py:meth:`sample` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) a, b = self.jacobi_params.T a_05, b_05 = a + 0.5, b + 0.5 d = self.dim ind = rng.randint(self.N) k = self.ordering[ind] Pk_square_norm = self.square_norms_multiD_polynomials[ind] # norm_Pk = self.poly_multiD_norm[ind] rejection_bound = self.rejection_bounds[ind] for trial in range(nb_trials_max): # Propose x ~ w_eq(x) = \prod_{i=1}^{d} 1/pi 1/sqrt(1-(x_i)^2) # rng.beta is defined as beta(a, b) = x^(a-1) (1-x)^(b-1) x = 1.0 - 2.0 * rng.beta(0.5, 0.5, size=self.dim) # Compute (P_k(x)/||P_k||)^2 Pk2_x =, a, b, x))**2 / Pk_square_norm # Pk2_x = (, a, b, x)) / norm_Pk)**2 # Compute w(x) / w_eq(x) w_over_w_eq =\ np.pi**d * - x)**a_05 * (1.0 + x)**b_05) if rng.rand() * rejection_bound < Pk2_x * w_over_w_eq: break else: print('marginal distribution 1/N K(x,x), rejection fails after {} proposals'.format(trial)) return x
[docs] def sample(self, nb_trials_max=10000, random_state=None, tridiag_1D=True): """Use the chain rule :cite:`HKPV06` (Algorithm 18) to sample :math:`\\left(x_{1}, \\dots, x_{N} \\right)` with density .. math:: & \\frac{1}{N!} \\left(K(x_n,x_p)\\right)_{n,p=1}^{N} \\prod_{n=1}^{N} w(x_n)\\\\ &= \\frac{1}{N} K(x_1,x_1) w(x_1) \\prod_{n=2}^{N} \\frac{ K(x_n,x_n) - K(x_n,x_{1:n-1}) \\left[\\left(K(x_k,x_l)\\right)_{k,l=1}^{n-1}\\right]^{-1} K(x_{1:n-1},x_n) }{N-(n-1)} w(x_n)\\\\ &= \\frac{\\| \\Phi(x) \\|^2}{N} \\omega(x_1) d x_1 \\prod_{n=2}^{N} \\frac{\\operatorname{distance}^2(\\Phi(x_n), \\operatorname{span}\\{\\Phi(x_p)\\}_{p=1}^{n-1})} {N-(n-1)} \\omega(x_n) d x_n The order in which the points were sampled can be forgotten to obtain a valid sample of the corresponding DPP - :math:`x_1 \\sim \\frac{1}{N} K(x,x) w(x)` using :py:meth:`sample_chain_rule_proposal` - :math:`x_n | Y = \\left\\{ x_{1}, \\dots, x_{n-1} \\right\\}`, is sampled using rejection sampling with proposal density :math:`\\frac{1}{N} K(x,x) w(x)` and rejection bound \\frac{N}{N-(n-1)} .. math:: \\frac{1}{N-(n-1)} [K(x,x) - K(x, Y) K_Y^{-1} K(Y, x)] w(x) \\leq \\frac{N}{N-(n-1)} \\frac{1}{N} K(x,x) w(x) .. note:: Using the gram structure :math:`K(x, y) = \\Phi(x)^{\\top} \\Phi(y)` the numerator of the successive conditionals reads .. math:: K(x, x) - K(x, Y) K(Y, Y)^{-1} K(Y, x) &= \\operatorname{distance}^2(\\Phi(x_n), \\operatorname{span}\\{\\Phi(x_p)\\}_{p=1}^{n-1})\\\\ &= \\left\\| (I - \\Pi_{\\operatorname{span}\\{\\Phi(x_p)\\}_{p=1}^{n-1}} \\phi(x)\\right\\|^2 which can be computed simply in a vectorized way. The overall procedure is akin to a sequential Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of :math:`\\Phi(x_{1}), \\dots, \\Phi(x_{N})`. .. seealso:: - :ref:`continuous_dpps_exact_sampling_projection_dpp_chain_rule` - :py:meth:`sample_chain_rule_proposal` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) if self.dim == 1 and tridiag_1D: sample = tridiagonal_model(a=self.jacobi_params[0, 0] + 1, b=self.jacobi_params[0, 1] + 1, size=self.N, random_state=rng)[:, None] return 1.0 - 2.0 * sample sample = np.zeros((self.N, self.dim)) phi = np.zeros((self.N, self.N)) for n in range(self.N): for trial in range(nb_trials_max): # Propose a point ~ 1/N K(x,x) w(x) sample[n] = self.sample_chain_rule_proposal(random_state=rng) # Schur complement (numerator of x_n | Y = x_1:n-1) # = K(x, x) - K(x, Y) K(Y, Y)^-1 K(Y, x) # = ||(I - Proj{phi(Y)}) phi(x)||^2 phi[n] = self.eval_multiD_polynomials(sample[n]) K_xx = phi[n].dot(phi[n]) # self.K(sample[n], sample[n]) phi[n] -= phi[:n].dot(phi[n]).dot(phi[:n]) schur = phi[n].dot(phi[n]) # accept: x_n = x, or reject if rng.rand() < schur / K_xx: # normalize phi(x_n) / ||phi(x_n)|| phi[n] /= np.sqrt(schur) break else: print('conditional x_{} | x_1,...,x_{}, rejection fails after {} proposals'.format(n + 1, n, trial)) return sample
def plot(self, sample, weighted=False): if self.dim >= 3: raise NotImplementedError('Visualizations in d>=3 not implemented') tols = 5e-2 * np.ones_like(self.jacobi_params) weights = None if weighted: weights = 1. / self.K(sample, eval_pointwise=True) ticks_pos = [-1, 0, 1] ticks_labs = list(map(str, ticks_pos)) if self.dim == 1: fig, ax_main = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax_main.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) ax_main.set_xticks(ticks_pos) ax_main.set_xticklabels(ticks_labs) ax_main.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_main.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax_main.scatter(sample[:, 0], np.zeros_like(sample[:, 0]), s=2000 * weights if weighted else 1) ax_main.hist(sample[:, 0], bins=10, weights=weights, density=True, orientation='vertical', alpha=0.5) # Top densities X_ = np.linspace(-1 + tols[0, 1], 1 - tols[0, 0], 200)[:, None] ax_main.plot(X_, 0.5 * stats.beta(*(1 + self.jacobi_params[0])).pdf(0.5 * (1 - X_)), ls='--', c='red', lw=3, alpha=0.7, label=r'$a_1 = {:.2f}, b_1 = {:.2f}$'.format(*self.jacobi_params[0])) x_lim = ax_main.get_xlim() y_lim = ax_main.get_ylim() if not weighted: tol = 5e-2 X_ = np.linspace(-1 + tol, 1 - tol, 200)[:, None] ax_main.plot(X_, 0.5 * stats.beta(0.5, 0.5).pdf(0.5 * (1 - X_)), c='orange', ls='-', lw=3, label=r'$a = b = -0.5$') ax_main.legend(fontsize=15, loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15 if weighted else -0.17), labelspacing=0.1, frameon=False) elif self.dim == 2: # Create Fig and gridspec fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) grid = plt.GridSpec(6, 6, hspace=0., wspace=0.) ax_main = fig.add_subplot(grid[1:, :-1], xticks=ticks_pos, xticklabels=ticks_labs, yticks=ticks_pos, yticklabels=ticks_labs) ax_main.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) ax_main.scatter(sample[:, 0], sample[:, 1], s=2000 * weights if weighted else 10) x_lim = ax_main.get_xlim() y_lim = ax_main.get_ylim() # Top plot ax_top = fig.add_subplot(grid[0, :-1], xticks=ticks_pos, xticklabels=[], yticks=[], yticklabels=[], frameon=False) ax_top.set_xlim(x_lim) # Top histogram ax_top.hist(sample[:, 0], bins=10, weights=weights, density=True, orientation='vertical', alpha=0.5) # Top densities X_ = np.linspace(-1 + tols[0, 1], 1 - tols[0, 0], 200)[:, None] l_top, = ax_top.plot(X_, 0.5 * stats.beta(*(1 + self.jacobi_params[0])).pdf(0.5 * (1 - X_)), ls='--', c='red', lw=3, alpha=0.7) # Right plot ax_right = fig.add_subplot(grid[1:, -1], xticks=[], xticklabels=[], yticks=ticks_pos, yticklabels=[], frameon=False) ax_right.set_ylim(y_lim) # Right histogram ax_right.hist(sample[:, 1], bins=10, weights=weights, density=True, orientation='horizontal', alpha=0.5) # Right densities X_ = np.linspace(-1 + tols[1, 1], 1 - tols[1, 0], 200)[:, None] l_right, = ax_right.plot(0.5 * stats.beta(*(1 + self.jacobi_params[1])).pdf(0.5 * (1 - X_)), X_, ls='--', c='green', lw=3, alpha=0.7) leg_axes = [l_top, l_right] leg_text = [', '.join([r'$a_{} = {:.2f}$'.format(i+1, jac_par[0]), r'$b_{} = {:.2f}$'.format(i+1, jac_par[1])]) for i, jac_par in enumerate(self.jacobi_params)] if not weighted: tol = 5e-2 X_ = np.linspace(-1 + tol, 1 - tol, 200)[:, None] l_arcsine, = ax_top.plot(X_, 0.5 * stats.beta(0.5, 0.5).pdf(0.5 * (1 - X_)), c='orange', ls='-', lw=3) ax_right.plot(0.5 * stats.beta(0.5, 0.5).pdf(0.5 * (1 - X_)), X_, c='orange', ls='-', lw=3) leg_axes.append(l_arcsine) leg_text.append(r'$a = b = -0.5$') ax_main.legend(leg_axes, leg_text, fontsize=15, loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.14 if weighted else -0.18), labelspacing=0.1, frameon=False)
[docs]def compute_ordering(N, d): """ Compute the ordering of the multi-indices :math:`\\in\\mathbb{N}^d` defining the order between the multivariate monomials as described in Section 2.1.3 of :cite:`BaHa16`. :param N: Number of polynomials :math:`(P_k)` considered to build the kernel :py:meth:`~dppy.multivariate_jacobi_ope.MultivariateJacobiOPE.K` (number of points of the corresponding :py:class:`MultivariateJacobiOPE`) :type N: int :param d: Size of the multi-indices :math:`k\\in \\mathbb{N}^d` characterizing the _degree_ of :math:`P_k` (ambient dimension of the points x_{1}, \\dots, x_{N} \\in [-1, 1]^d) :type d: int :return: Array of size :math:`N\\times d` containing the first :math:`N` multi-indices :math:`\\in\\mathbb{N}^d` in the order prescribed by the ordering :math:`\\mathfrak{b}` :cite:`BaHa16` Section 2.1.3 :rtype: array_like For instance, for :math:`N=12, d=2` .. code:: python [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3)] .. seealso:: - :cite:`BaHa16` Section 2.1.3 """ layer_max = np.floor(N**(1.0 / d)).astype(np.int16) ordering = itt.chain.from_iterable( filter(lambda x: m in x, itt.product(range(m + 1), repeat=d)) for m in range(layer_max + 1)) return list(ordering)[:N]
[docs]def compute_norms_1D_polynomials(jacobi_params, deg_max): """ Compute the square norms :math:`\\|P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}\\|^2` of each (univariate) orthogoanl Jacobi polynomial for :math:`k=0` to ``deg_max`` and :math:`a_i, b_i =` ``jacobi_params[i, :]`` Recall that the Jacobi polynomials :math:`\\left( P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)} \\right)` are `orthogonal <>`_ w.r.t. :math:`(1-u)^{a_i} (1+u)^{b_i} du`. .. math:: \\|P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}\\|^2 &= \\int_{-1}^{1} \\left( P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u) \\right)^2 (1-u)^{a_i} (1+u)^{b_i} d u\\\\ &= \\frac{2^{a_i+b_i+1}} {2k+a_i+b_i+1} \\frac{\\Gamma(k+a_i+1)\\Gamma(k+b_i+1)} {\\Gamma(k+a_i+b_i+1)n!} :param jacobi_params: Jacobi parameters :math:`[(a_i, b_i)]_{i=1}^d \\in [-\\frac{1}{2}, \\frac{1}{2}]^{d \\times 2}` The number of rows :math:`d` prescribes the ambient dimension of the points i.e. :math:`x_{1}, \\dots, x_{N} \\in [-1, 1]^d` :type jacobi_params: array_like :param deg_max: Maximal degree of 1D Jacobi polynomials :type deg_max: int :return: Array of size ``deg_max + 1`` :math:`\\times d` with entry :math:`k,i` given by :math:`\\|P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}\\|^2` :rtype: array_like .. seealso:: - `Wikipedia Jacobi polynomials <>`_ - :py:meth:`compute_ordering` """ # Initialize # - [square_norms]_ij = ||P_i^{a_j, b_j}||^2 dim = jacobi_params.size // 2 square_norms = np.zeros((deg_max + 1, dim)) n = np.arange(1, deg_max + 1)[:, None] arcsine = np.all(jacobi_params == -0.5, axis=1) if any(arcsine): # |P_0|^2 = pi # |P_n|^2 = 1/2 (Gamma(n+1/2)/n!)^2 otherwise square_norms[0, arcsine] = np.pi square_norms[1:, arcsine] =\ 0.5 * np.exp(2 * (gammaln(n + 0.5) - gammaln(n + 1))) # 0.5 * (gamma(n + 0.5) / factorial(n))**2 non_arcsine = np.any(jacobi_params != -0.5, axis=1) if any(non_arcsine): # |P_n|^2 = # 2^(a + b + 1) Gamma(n + 1 + a) Gamma(n + 1 + b) # n! (2n + a + b + 1) Gamma(n + 1 + a + b) a = jacobi_params[non_arcsine, 0] b = jacobi_params[non_arcsine, 1] square_norms[0, non_arcsine] = 2**(a + b + 1) * beta(a + 1, b + 1) square_norms[1:, non_arcsine] = np.exp((a + b + 1) * np.log(2) + gammaln(n + 1 + a) + gammaln(n + 1 + b) - gammaln(n + 1) - np.log(2 * n + 1 + a + b) - gammaln(n + 1 + a + b)) return np.sqrt(square_norms)
[docs]def compute_rejection_bounds(jacobi_params, ordering, log_scale=True): """ Compute the rejection constants for the acceptance/rejection mechanism used in :py:meth:`sample_chain_rule_proposal` to sample .. math:: \\frac{1}{N} K(x, x) w(x) dx = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{\\mathfrak{b}(k)=0}^{N-1} \\left( \\frac{P_k(x)}{\\left\\| P_k \\right\\|} \\right)^2 w(x) with proposal distribution .. math:: w_{eq}(x) d x = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} \\frac{1}{\\pi\\sqrt{1-(x_i)^2}} d x_i To get a sample: 1. Draw a multi-index :math:`k` uniformly at random in :math:`\\left\\{ \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0), \\dots, \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1) \\right\\}` 2. Sample from :math:`P_k(x)^2 w(x) dx` with proposal :math:`w_{eq}(x) d x`. The acceptance ratio writes .. math:: \\frac{\\left( \\frac{P_k(x)}{\\left\\| P_k \\right\\|} \\right)^2 w(x)} {w_{eq}(x)} = \\prod_{i=1}^{d} \\pi \\left( \\frac{P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x)} {\\left\\| P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)} \\right\\|} \\right)^2 (1-x_i)^{a_i+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+x_i)^{b_i+\\frac{1}{2}} \\leq C_k - For :math:`k_i>0` we use a result on Jacobi polynomials given by, e.g., :cite:`Gau09`, for :math:`\\quad|a|,|b| \\leq \\frac{1}{2}` .. math:: & \\pi (1-u)^{a+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+u)^{b+\\frac{1}{2}} \\left( \\frac{P_{n}^{(a, b)}(u)} {\\left\\| P_{n}^{(a, b)} \\right\\|} \\right)^2\\\\ &\\leq \\frac{2} {n!(n+(a+b+1) / 2)^{2 \\max(a,b)}} \\frac{\\Gamma(n+a+b+1) \\Gamma(n+\\max(a,b)+1)} {\\Gamma(n+\\min(a,b)+1)} - For :math:`k_i=0`, we use less involved properties of the `Jacobi polynomials <>`_: - :math:`P_{0}^{(a, b)} = 1` - :math:`\\|P_{0}^{(a, b)}\\|^2 = 2^{a+b+1} \\operatorname{B}(a+1,b+1)` - :math:`m = \\frac{b-a}{a+b+1}` is the mode of :math:`(1-u)^{a+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+u)^{b+\\frac{1}{2}}` (valid since :math:`a+\\frac{1}{2}, b+\\frac{1}{2} > 0`) So that, .. math:: \\pi (1-u)^{a+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+u)^{b+\\frac{1}{2}} \\left(\\frac{P_{0}^{(a, b)}(u)} {\\|P_{0}^{(a, b)}\\|}\\right)^{2} &= \\frac {\\pi (1-u)^{a+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+u)^{b+\\frac{1}{2}}} {\\|P_{0}^{(a, b)}\\|^2} \\\\ &\\leq \\frac {\\pi (1-m)^{a+\\frac{1}{2}} (1+m)^{b+\\frac{1}{2}}} {2^{a+b+1} \\operatorname{B}(a+1,b+1)} :param jacobi_params: Jacobi parameters :math:`[(a_i, b_i)]_{i=1}^d \\in [-\\frac{1}{2}, \\frac{1}{2}]^{d \\times 2}`. The number of rows :math:`d` prescribes the ambient dimension of the points i.e. :math:`x_{1}, \\dots, x_{N} \\in [-1, 1]^d` :type jacobi_params: array_like :param ordering: Ordering of the multi-indices :math:`\\in\\mathbb{N}^d` defining the order between the multivariate monomials (see also :py:meth:`compute_ordering`) - the number of rows corresponds to the number :math:`N` of monomials considered. - the number of columns :math:`=d` :type ordering: array_like :param log_scale: If True, the rejection bound is computed using the logarithmic versions ``betaln``, ``gammaln`` of ``beta`` and ``gamma`` functions to avoid overflows :type log_scale: bool :return: The rejection bounds :math:`C_{k}` for :math:`k = \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0), \\dots, \\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1)` :rtype: array_like .. seealso:: - :cite:`Gau09` for the domination when :math:`k_i > 0` - :py:meth:`compute_poly1D_norms` """ # Initialize [bounds]_ij on # pi (1-x)^(a_j+1/2) (1+x)^(b_j+1/2) P_i^2/||P_i||^2 deg_max, dim = np.max(ordering), jacobi_params.size // 2 bounds = np.zeros((deg_max + 1, dim)) arcsine = np.all(jacobi_params == -0.5, axis=1) if any(arcsine): bounds[0, arcsine] = 0.0 if log_scale else 1.0 bounds[1:, arcsine] = np.log(2.0) if log_scale else 2.0 non_arcsine = np.any(jacobi_params != -0.5, axis=1) if any(non_arcsine): # bounds[non_arcsine, 0] # = pi * (1-mode)^(a+1/2) (1+mode)^(b+1/2) * 1 / ||P_0||^2 # where mode = argmax (1-x)^(a+1/2) (1+x)^(b+1/2) = (b-a)/(a+b+1) a = jacobi_params[non_arcsine, 0] b = jacobi_params[non_arcsine, 1] mode = (b - a) / (a + b + 1) if log_scale: log_square_norm_P_0 =\ (a + b + 1) * np.log(2) + betaln(a + 1, b + 1) bounds[0, non_arcsine] =\ np.log(np.pi)\ + (0.5 + a) * np.log(1 - mode)\ + (0.5 + b) * np.log(1 + mode)\ - log_square_norm_P_0 else: square_norm_P_0 = 2**(a + b + 1) * beta(a + 1, b + 1) bounds[0, non_arcsine] =\ np.pi\ * (1 - mode)**(0.5 + a)\ * (1 + mode)**(0.5 + b)\ / square_norm_P_0 # bounds[1:, non_arcsine] = # 2 * Gamma(n + 1 + a + b) Gamma(n + 1 + max(a,b)) # n! * (n+(a+b+1)/2)^(2 * max(a,b)) * Gamma(n + 1 + min(a,b)) min_a_b = np.minimum(a, b) max_a_b = np.maximum(a, b) n = np.arange(1, deg_max + 1)[:, None] if log_scale: bounds[1:, non_arcsine] =\ np.log(2)\ + gammaln(n + 1 + a + b)\ + gammaln(n + 1 + max_a_b)\ - gammaln(n + 1)\ - 2 * max_a_b * np.log(n + 0.5 * (a + b + 1))\ - gammaln(n + 1 + min_a_b) else: bounds[1:, non_arcsine] =\ 2\ * gamma(n + 1 + a + b)\ * gamma(n + 1 + max_a_b)\ / factorial(n)\ / (n + 0.5 * (a + b + 1))**(2 * max_a_b)\ / gamma(n + 1 + min_a_b) if log_scale: return np.exp(np.sum(bounds[ordering, range(dim)], axis=1)) else: return[ordering, range(dim)], axis=1)
[docs]def compute_degrees_1D_polynomials(max_degrees): """ deg[i, j] = i if i <= max_degrees[j] else 0 """ max_deg, dim = max(max_degrees), len(max_degrees) degrees = np.tile(np.arange(max_deg + 1)[:, None], (1, dim)) degrees[degrees > max_degrees] = 0 return max_deg, degrees