Source code for dppy.exotic_dpps

# coding: utf8
""" Implementation of exotic DPP objects:

- Uniform spanning trees :class:`UST`
- Descent procresses :class:`Descent`:

    * :class:`CarriesProcess`
    * :class:`DescentProcess`
    * :class:`VirtualDescentProcess`

- :class:`PoissonizedPlancherel` measure

.. seealso:

    `Documentation on ReadTheDocs <>`_

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import qr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import collections as mc  # see plot_diagram

from dppy.exotic_dpps_core import ust_sampler_wilson, ust_sampler_aldous_broder
from dppy.exact_sampling import proj_dpp_sampler_eig, proj_dpp_sampler_kernel

# For DescentProcess
from re import findall  # to convert class names to string in
# from dppy.exotic_dpps_core import wrapper_plot_descent

# For Poissonized Plancherel measure
from dppy.exotic_dpps_core import RSK, xy_young_ru, limit_shape

# For both Descent Processes and Poissonized Plancherel
from dppy.exotic_dpps_core import uniform_permutation

from dppy.utils import check_random_state

# Descent Processes #
class Descent(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def __init__(self): = ' '.join(findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', self.__class__.__name__))
        self.list_of_samples = []
        self.size = 100

    def _bernoulli_param(self):
        """Parameter of the corresponding process formed by i.i.d. Bernoulli variables.
        This parameter corresponds to the probability that a descent occurs any index"""

        return 0.5

    def sample(self, random_state=None):
        """Sample from corresponding process"""

    def flush_samples(self):
        """ Empty the :py:attr:`list_of_samples` attribute.
        self.list_of_samples = []

    def plot(self, vs_bernoullis=True, random_state=None):
        """Display the last realization of the process.
        If ``vs_bernoullis=True`` compare it to a sequence of i.i.d. Bernoullis with parameter ``_bernoulli_param``

        .. seealso::

            - :py:meth:`sample`
        rng = check_random_state(random_state)
        title = 'Realization of the {} process'.format(

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(19, 2))

        sampl = self.list_of_samples[-1]
                   np.zeros_like(sampl) + (1.0 if vs_bernoullis else 0.0),
                   color='b', s=20,

        if vs_bernoullis:
            title += r' vs independent Bernoulli variables with parameter $p$={:.3f}'.format(self._bernoulli_param)

            bern = np.where(rng.rand(self.size) < self._bernoulli_param)[0]
            ax.scatter(bern, -np.ones_like(bern),
                       color='r', s=20, label='Bernoullis')


        # Spine options

        # Ticks options
        minor_ticks = np.arange(0, self.size + 1)
        major_ticks = np.arange(0, self.size + 1, 10)
        ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
        ax.set_xticklabels(major_ticks, fontsize=15)

            axis='y',           # changes apply to the y-axis
            which='both',       # both major and minor ticks are affected
            left=False,         # ticks along the left edge are off
            right=False,        # ticks along the right edge are off
            labelleft=False)    # labels along the left edge are off

        ax.set_xlim([-1, self.size + 1])
        ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0.85),
                  prop={'size': 15})

[docs]class CarriesProcess(Descent): """ DPP on :math:`\\{1, \\dots, N-1\\}` (with a non symmetric kernel) derived from the cumulative sum of :math:`N` i.i.d. digits in :math:`\\{0, \\dots, b-1\\}`. :param base: Base/radix :type base: int, default 10 .. seealso:: - :cite:`BoDiFu10` - :ref:`carries_process` """ def __init__(self, base=10): super().__init__() self.base = base def __str__(self): str_info = ['Carries process in base {}'.format(self.base), 'Number of samples = {}'.format(len(self.list_of_samples))] return '\n'.join(str_info) @property def _bernoulli_param(self): return 0.5 * (1 - 1 / self.base)
[docs] def sample(self, size=100, random_state=None): """ Compute the cumulative sum (in base :math:`b`) of a sequence of i.i.d. digits and record the position of carries. :param size: size of the sequence of i.i.d. digits in :math:`\\{0, \\dots, b-1\\}` :type size: int """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.size = size A = rng.randint(0, self.base, self.size) B = np.mod(np.cumsum(A), self.base) carries = 1 + np.where(B[:-1] > B[1:])[0] self.list_of_samples.append(carries.tolist())
[docs]class DescentProcess(Descent): """ DPP on :math:`\\{1, \\dots, N-1\\}` associated to the descent process on the symmetric group :math:`\\mathfrak{S}_N`. .. seealso:: - :cite:`BoDiFu10` - :ref:`descent_process` """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def __str__(self): str_info = ['Descent process', 'Number of samples = {}'.format(len(self.list_of_samples))] return '\n'.join(str_info) @property def _bernoulli_param(self): return 0.5
[docs] def sample(self, size=100, random_state=None): """ Draw a permutation :math:`\\sigma \\in \\mathfrak{S}_N` uniformly at random and record the descents i.e. :math:`\\{ i ~;~ \\sigma_i > \\sigma_{i+1} \\}`. :param size: size of the permutation i.e. degree :math:`N` of :math:`\\mathfrak{S}_N`. :type size: int """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.size = size sigma = uniform_permutation(self.size, random_state=rng) descent = 1 + np.where(sigma[:-1] > sigma[1:])[0] self.list_of_samples.append(descent.tolist())
[docs]class VirtualDescentProcess(Descent): """ This is a DPP on :math:`\\{1, \\dots, N-1\\}` with a non symmetric kernel appearing in (or as a limit of) the descent process on the symmetric group :math:`\\mathfrak{S}_N`. .. seealso:: - :cite:`Kam18` - :ref:`limiting_descent_process` - :class:`DescentProcess` """ def __init__(self, x_0=0.5): super().__init__() if not (0 <= x_0 <= 1): raise ValueError("x_0 must be in [0,1]") self.x_0 = x_0 def __str__(self): str_info = ['Limitting Descent process for vitural permutations', 'Number of samples = {}'.format(len(self.list_of_samples))] return '\n'.join(str_info) @property def _bernoulli_param(self): return 0.5 * (1 - self.x_0**2)
[docs] def sample(self, size=100, random_state=None): """ Draw a permutation uniformly at random and record the descents i.e. indices where :math:`\\sigma(i+1) < \\sigma(i)` and something else... :param size: size of the permutation i.e. degree :math:`N` of :math:`\\mathfrak{S}_N`. :type size: int .. seealso:: - :cite:`Kam18`, Sec ?? .. todo:: ask @kammmoun to complete the docsting and Section in see also """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.size = size sigma = uniform_permutation(self.size + 1, random_state=rng) X = sigma[:-1] > sigma[1:] # Record the descents in permutation Y = rng.binomial(n=2, p=self.x_0, size=self.size + 1) != 1 descent = [i for i in range(self.size) if (~Y[i] and Y[i + 1]) or (~Y[i] and ~Y[i + 1] and X[i])] # ~ symbol is equivalent to not on boolean numpy array self.list_of_samples.append(descent)
########################## # Poissonized Plancherel # ##########################
[docs]class PoissonizedPlancherel: """ DPP on partitions associated to the Poissonized Plancherel measure :param theta: Poisson parameter i.e. expected length of permutation :type theta: int, default 10 .. seealso:: - :cite:`Bor09` Section 6 - :ref:`poissonized_plancherel_measure` """ def __init__(self, theta=10): self.theta = theta # Poisson param = expected length of permutation self.list_of_young_diag = [] self.list_of_samples = [] def __str__(self): str_info = ['Poissonized Plancherel measure\ with parameter {}'.format(self.theta), 'Number of samples = {}'.format(len(self.list_of_samples))] return '\n'.join(str_info) # def info(self): # """ Print infos about the :class:`UST` object # """ # print(self.__str__())
[docs] def sample(self, random_state=None): """ Sample from the Poissonized Plancherel measure. :param random_state: :type random_state: None, np.random, int, np.random.RandomState """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) N = rng.poisson(self.theta) sigma = uniform_permutation(N, random_state=rng) P, _ = RSK(sigma) # young_diag = [len(row) for row in P] young_diag = np.fromiter(map(len, P), dtype=int) self.list_of_young_diag.append(young_diag) # sampl = [len(row) - i + 0.5 for i, row in enumerate(P, start=1)] sampl = young_diag - np.arange(0.5, young_diag.size) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl.tolist())
[docs] def plot(self, title=''): """Display the process on the real line :param title: Plot title :type title: string .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample` """ sampl = self.list_of_samples[-1] # Display the reparametrized Plancherel sample fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(19, 2)) ax.scatter(sampl, np.zeros_like(sampl), color='blue', s=20) # Spine options ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) # Ticks options x_max = np.max(np.abs(sampl)) + 0.5 minor_ticks = np.arange(-x_max, x_max + 1) major_ticks = np.arange(-100, 100 + 1, 10) ax.set_xticks(major_ticks) ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels(major_ticks, fontsize=15) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.tick_params( axis='y', # changes apply to the y-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected left=False, # ticks along the left edge are off right=False, # ticks along the right edge are off labelleft=False) # labels along the left edge are off ax.xaxis.grid(True) ax.set_xlim([-x_max - 2, x_max + 2]) # ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0,0.85), frameon=False, prop={'size':20}) str_title = r'Realization of the DPP associated to the Poissonized Plancherel measure with parameter $\theta=${}'.format(self.theta) plt.title(title if title else str_title)
[docs] def plot_diagram(self, normalization=False): """ Display the Young diagram (russian convention), the associated sample and potentially rescale the two to visualize the limit-shape theorem :cite:`Ker96`. The sample corresponds to the projection onto the real line of the descending surface edges. :param normalization: If ``normalization=True``, the Young diagram and the corresponding sample are scaled by a factor :math:`\\sqrt{\\theta}` and the limiting :type normalization: bool, default False .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample` - :py:meth:`plot` - :cite:`Ker96` """ y_diag = self.list_of_young_diag[-1] sampl = self.list_of_samples[-1].copy() x_max = 1.1 * max(y_diag.size, y_diag[0]) xy_young = xy_young_ru(y_diag) if normalization: sampl /= np.sqrt(self.theta) x_max /= np.sqrt(self.theta) xy_young /= np.sqrt(self.theta) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) # Display corresponding sample ax.scatter(sampl, np.zeros_like(sampl), s=3, label='sample') # Display absolute value wedge ax.plot([-x_max, 0.0, x_max], [x_max, 0.0, x_max], c='k', lw=1) # Display young diagram in russian notation lc = mc.LineCollection(xy_young.reshape((-1, 2, 2)), color='k', linewidths=2) ax.add_collection(lc) # Display limit shape if normalization: x_lim_sh = np.linspace(-x_max, x_max, 100) ax.plot(x_lim_sh, limit_shape(x_lim_sh), c='r', label='limit shape') # Display stems linking sample on real line and descent in young diag # xy_y_diag = np.column_stack([y_diag, # np.arange(0.5, y_diag.size)]).dot(rot_45_and_scale.T) # if normalization: # xy_y_diag /= np.sqrt(theta) # plt.scatter(xy_y_diag[:,0], np.zeros_like(y_diag), color='r') # plt.stem(xy_y_diag[:,0], xy_y_diag[:,1], linefmt='C0--', basefmt=' ') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.axis('equal') str_title = r'Young diagram associated to Poissonized Plancherel measure with parameter $\theta=${}'.format(self.theta) plt.title(str_title)
########################## # Uniform Spanning Trees # ##########################
[docs]class UST: """ DPP on edges of a connected graph :math:`G` with correlation kernel the projection kernel onto the span of the rows of the incidence matrix :math:`\\text{Inc}` of :math:`G`. This DPP corresponds to the uniform measure on spanning trees (UST) of :math:`G`. :param graph: Connected undirected graph :type graph: networkx graph .. seealso:: - :ref:`UST` - :ref:`Definition of DPP <finite_dpps_definition>` """ def __init__(self, graph): # For Uniform Spanning Trees try: import networkx as nx self.nx = nx except ImportError: raise ValueError('The networkx package is required to sample spanning trees (see') if nx.is_connected(graph): self.graph = graph else: raise ValueError('graph not connected') self.nodes = list(self.graph.nodes()) self.nb_nodes = self.graph.number_of_nodes() # len(self.graph) self.edges = list(self.graph.edges()) self.nb_edges = self.graph.number_of_edges() # len(self.edges) self.edge_labels = {edge: r'$e_{}$'.format(i) for i, edge in enumerate(self.edges)} self.neighbors = [list(graph.neighbors(v)) for v in range(self.nb_nodes)] self.sampling_mode = 'Wilson' # Default (avoid eig_vecs computation) self._sampling_modes = {'markov-chain': ['Wilson', 'Aldous-Broder'], 'spectral-method': ['GS'], 'projection-K-kernel': ['Schur', 'Chol']} self.list_of_samples = [] self.kernel = None self.kernel_eig_vecs = None def __str__(self): str_info = ['Uniform Spanning Tree measure on a graph with:', '- {} nodes'.format(self.nb_nodes), '- {} edges'.format(self.nb_edges), 'Sampling mode = {}'.format(self.sampling_mode), 'Number of samples = {}'.format(len(self.list_of_samples))] return '\n'.join(str_info) # def info(self): # """ Print infos about the :class:`UST` object # """ # print(self.__str__())
[docs] def flush_samples(self): """ Empty the :py:attr:`list_of_samples` attribute. """ self.list_of_samples = []
[docs] def sample(self, mode='Wilson', root=None, random_state=None): """ Sample a spanning of the underlying graph uniformly at random. It generates a networkx graph object. :param mode: Markov-chain-based samplers: - ``'Wilson'``, ``'Aldous-Broder'`` Chain-rule-based samplers: - ``'GS'``, ``'GS_bis'``, ``'KuTa12'`` from eigenvectors - ``'Schur'``, ``'Chol'``, from :math:`\\mathbf{K}` correlation kernel :type mode: string, default ``'Wilson'`` :param root: Starting node of the random walk when using Markov-chain-based samplers :type root: int :param random_state: :type random_state: None, np.random, int, np.random.RandomState .. seealso:: - Wilson :cite:`PrWi98` - Aldous-Broder :cite:`Ald90` - :py:meth:`~dppy.FiniteDPP.sample` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = mode if self.sampling_mode in self._sampling_modes['markov-chain']: if self.sampling_mode == 'Wilson': sampl = ust_sampler_wilson(self.neighbors, random_state=rng) elif self.sampling_mode == 'Aldous-Broder': sampl = ust_sampler_aldous_broder(self.neighbors, random_state=rng) elif self.sampling_mode in self._sampling_modes['spectral-method']: self.compute_kernel_eig_vecs() dpp_sample = proj_dpp_sampler_eig(self.kernel_eig_vecs, mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) sampl = self.nx.Graph() sampl.add_edges_from([self.edges[e] for e in dpp_sample]) elif self.sampling_mode in self._sampling_modes['projection-K-kernel']: self.compute_kernel() dpp_sample = proj_dpp_sampler_kernel(self.kernel, mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) sampl = self.nx.Graph() sampl.add_edges_from([self.edges[e] for e in dpp_sample]) else: err_print = '\n'.join( 'Invalid sampling mode', 'Chose from: {}'.format(self._sampling_modes.values()), 'Given {}'.format(mode)) raise ValueError() self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def compute_kernel(self): """ Compute the orthogonal projection kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K} = \\text{Inc}^+ \\text{Inc}` i.e. onto the span of the rows of the vertex-edge incidence matrix :math:`\\text{Inc}` of size :math:`|V| \\times |E|`. In fact, for a connected graph, :math:`\\text{Inc}` has rank :math:`|V|-1` and any row can be discarded to get an basis of row space. If we note :math:`A` the amputated version of :math:`\\text{Inc}`, then :math:`\\text{Inc}^+ = A^{\\top}[AA^{\\top}]^{-1}`. In practice, we orthogonalize the rows of :math:`A` to get the eigenvectors :math:`U` of :math:`\\mathbf{K}=UU^{\\top}`. .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`plot_kernel` """ if self.kernel is None: self.compute_kernel_eig_vecs() # U = QR(Inc[:-1,:].T) # K = UU.T self.kernel =
[docs] def compute_kernel_eig_vecs(self): """ See explaination in :func:`compute_kernel <compute_kernel>` """ if self.kernel_eig_vecs is None: inc_mat = self.nx.incidence_matrix(self.graph, oriented=True) # Discard any row e.g. the last one A = inc_mat[:-1, :].toarray() # Orthonormalize rows of A self.kernel_eig_vecs, _ = qr(A.T, mode='economic')
[docs] def plot(self, title=''): """ Display the last realization (spanning tree) of the corresponding :class:`UST` object. :param title: Plot title :type title: string .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample` """ graph_to_plot = self.list_of_samples[-1] plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) pos = self.nx.circular_layout(self.graph) self.nx.draw_networkx(graph_to_plot, pos=pos, node_color='orange', with_labels=True, width=3) edge_labs = {e: self.edge_labels[e if e in self.edges else e[::-1]] for e in graph_to_plot.edges()} self.nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph_to_plot, pos=pos, edge_labels=edge_labs, font_size=20) plt.axis('off') str_title = 'A realization of UST with {} procedure'.format(self.sampling_mode) plt.title(title if title else str_title)
[docs] def plot_graph(self, title=''): """Display the original graph defining the :class:`UST` object :param title: Plot title :type title: string .. seealso:: - :func:`compute_kernel <compute_kernel>` """ # edge_lab = [r'$e_{}$'.format(i) for i in range(self.nb_edges)] # edge_labels = dict(zip(self.edges, edge_lab)) # node_labels = dict(zip(self.nodes, self.nodes)) plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) pos = self.nx.circular_layout(self.graph) self.nx.draw_networkx(self.graph, pos=pos, node_color='orange', with_labels=True, width=3) # nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.graph, # pos, # node_labels) self.nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.graph, pos=pos, edge_labels=self.edge_labels, font_size=20) plt.axis('off') str_title = 'Original graph' plt.title(title if title else str_title)
[docs] def plot_kernel(self, title=''): """Display a heatmap of the underlying orthogonal projection kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K}` associated to the DPP underlying the :class:`UST` object :param title: Plot title :type title: string .. seealso:: - :func:`compute_kernel <compute_kernel>` """ self.compute_kernel() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4)) heatmap = ax.pcolor(self.kernel, cmap='jet') ax.set_aspect('equal') ticks = np.arange(self.nb_edges) ticks_label = [r'${}$'.format(tic) for tic in ticks] ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xticks(ticks + 0.5, minor=False) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_yticks(ticks + 0.5, minor=False) ax.set_xticklabels(ticks_label, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(ticks_label, minor=False) str_title = 'Correlation K kernel: transfer current matrix' plt.title(title if title else str_title, y=1.08) # Adapt size of colbar to plot # cax = fig.add_axes([ax.get_position().x1 + 0.02, ax.get_position().y0, 0.05, ax.get_position().height]) plt.colorbar(heatmap, cax=cax)