Source code for dppy.finite_dpps

# coding: utf8
""" Implementation of :py:class:`FiniteDPP` object which has 6 main methods:

- :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_exact`, see also :ref:`sampling DPPs exactly<finite_dpps_exact_sampling>`
- :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_exact_k_dpp`, see also :ref:`sampling k-DPPs exactly<finite_dpps_exact_sampling>`
- :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_mcmc`, see also :ref:`sampling DPPs with MCMC<finite_dpps_mcmc_sampling>`
- :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_mcmc_k_dpp`, see also :ref:`sampling k-DPPs with MCMC<finite_dpps_mcmc_sampling_k_dpps>`
- :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.compute_K`, to compute the correlation :math:`K` kernel from initial parametrization
- :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.compute_L`, to compute the likelihood :math:`L` kernel from initial parametrization

.. seealso:

    `Documentation on ReadTheDocs <>`_

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from warnings import warn

from dppy.exact_sampling import (dpp_sampler_generic_kernel,

from dppy.mcmc_sampling import (dpp_sampler_mcmc,

from dppy.utils import (check_random_state,

[docs]class FiniteDPP: """ Finite DPP object parametrized by :param string kernel_type: - ``'correlation'`` :math:`\\mathbf{K}` kernel - ``'likelihood'`` :math:`\\mathbf{L}` kernel :param projection: Indicate whether the provided kernel is of projection type. This may be useful when the :class:`FiniteDPP` object is defined through its correlation kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K}`. :type projection: bool, default ``False`` :param params: Dictionary containing the parametrization of the underlying - correlation kernel - ``{'K': K}``, with :math:`0 \\preceq \\mathbf{K} \\preceq I` - ``{'K_eig_dec': (eig_vals, eig_vecs)}``, with :math:`0 \\leq eigvals \\leq 1` - ``{'A_zono': A}``, with :math:`A (d \\times N)` and :math:`\\operatorname{rank}(A)=d` - likelihood kernel - ``{'L': L}``, with :math:`\\mathbf{L}\\succeq 0` - ``{'L_eig_dec': (eig_vals, eig_vecs)}``, with :math:`eigvals \\geq 0` - ``{'L_gram_factor': Phi}``, with :math:`\\mathbf{L} = \\Phi^{ \\top} \\Phi` - ``{'L_eval_X_data': (eval_L, X_data)}``, with :math:`\\mathbf{X}_{data}(N \\times d)` and :math:`eval \_ L` a likelihood function such that :math:`\\mathbf{L} = eval \_ L(\\mathbf{X}_{data}, \\{X}_{data})`. For a full description of the requirements imposed on `eval_L`'s interface, see the documentation :func:`dppy.vfx_sampling.vfx_sampling_precompute_constants`. For an example, see the implementation of any of the kernels provided by scikit-learn (e.g. sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.PairwiseKernel). :type params: dict .. caution:: For now we only consider real valued matrices :math:`\\mathbf{K}, \\mathbf{L}, A, \\Phi, \\mathbf{X}_{data}`. .. seealso:: - :ref:`finite_dpps_definition` - :ref:`finite_dpps_exact_sampling` .. todo:: add ``.kernel_rank`` attribute """ ############### # Constructor # ############### def __init__(self, kernel_type, projection=False, **params): self.kernel_type = kernel_type self.projection = projection self.params_keys = set(params.keys()) self.__check_args_coherence() # Sampling self.sampling_mode = 'GS' # Gram-Schmidt self.list_of_samples = [] # when using .sample_k_dpp_* self.size_k_dpp = 0 self.E_poly = None # evaluation of the # Attributes relative to K correlation kernel: # K, K_eig_vals, K_eig_vecs, A_zono self.K = is_symmetric(params.get('K', None)) if self.projection: self.K = is_projection(self.K) e_vals, e_vecs = params.get('K_eig_dec', [None, None]) if self.projection: self.K_eig_vals = is_equal_to_O_or_1(e_vals) else: self.K_eig_vals = is_in_01(e_vals) self.eig_vecs = is_orthonormal_columns(e_vecs) self.A_zono = is_full_row_rank(params.get('A_zono', None)) # Attributes relative to L likelihood kernel: # L, L_eig_vals, L_eig_vecs, L_gram_factor, L_dual, L_dual_eig_vals, L_dual_eig_vecs self.L = is_symmetric(params.get('L', None)) if self.projection: self.L = is_projection(self.L) e_vals, e_vecs = params.get('L_eig_dec', [None, None]) if self.projection: self.L_eig_vals = is_equal_to_O_or_1(e_vals) else: self.L_eig_vals = is_geq_0(e_vals) if self.eig_vecs is None: # K_eig_vecs = L_eig_vecs self.eig_vecs = is_orthonormal_columns(e_vecs) # L' "dual" likelihood kernel, L' = Phi Phi.T, Phi = L_gram_factor self.L_gram_factor = params.get('L_gram_factor', None) self.L_dual = None self.L_dual_eig_vals = None self.L_dual_eig_vecs = None if self.L_gram_factor is not None: Phi = self.L_gram_factor d, N = Phi.shape if d < N: self.L_dual = print('L_dual = Phi Phi.T was computed: Phi (dxN) with d<N') else: if self.L is None: self.L = print('L = Phi.T Phi was computed: Phi (dxN) with d>=N') # L likelihood function representation # eval_L(X, Y) = L(X, Y) # eval_L(X) = L(X, X) self.eval_L, self.X_data = params.get('L_eval_X_data', [None, None]) self.intermediate_sample_info = None if self.eval_L is not None: if not callable(self.eval_L): raise ValueError('eval_L should be a positive semi-definite kernel function') if self.X_data is not None: if not (self.X_data.size and self.X_data.ndim == 2): err_print = ['Wrong shape = {}'.format(self.X_data.shape), 'X_data should be a non empty (N x d) ndarray'] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) def __str__(self): str_info = ['DPP defined through {} {} kernel' .format('projection' if self.projection else '', self.kernel_type), 'Parametrized by {}' .format(self.params_keys), '- sampling mode = {}' .format(self.sampling_mode), '- number of samples = {}' .format(len(self.list_of_samples))] return '\n'.join(str_info) # Check routine def __check_args_coherence(self): # Check coherence of initialization parameters of the DPP: # kernel_type, projection and params. if not isinstance(self.projection, bool): err_print = ['`projection` argument is not boolean', 'Given: {}'.format(self.is_projection)] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) K_type, K_params = 'correlation', {'K', 'K_eig_dec', 'A_zono'} L_type, L_params = 'likelihood', {'L', 'L_eig_dec', 'L_gram_factor', 'L_eval_X_data'} if self.kernel_type == K_type: if self.params_keys.intersection(K_params): if 'A_zono' in self.params_keys and not self.projection: warn_print = ['Weird setting:', 'FiniteDPP(kernel_type={}, projection={}, **{"A_zono": A}) with projection=False', 'When defined through "A_zono" we expect a projection DPP with correlation kernel K = A.T (AA.T)^-1 A`.', 'projection` switched to `True`'] warn('\n'.join(warn_print)) self.projection = True else: err_print =\ ['Invalid parametrization of correlation kernel, choose:', '- {"K": K} 0 <= K <= I', '- {"K_eig_dec": (e_vals, e_vecs)} 0 <= e_vals <= 1', '- {"A_zono": A} A (dxN) s.t. K = A.T (AA.T)^-1 A', 'Given: {}'.format(self.params_keys)] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) elif self.kernel_type == L_type: if self.params_keys.intersection(L_params): if self.projection: warn('Weird setting: defining a DPP via a projection likelihood L kernel is unusual. Make sure you do not want to use a projection CORRELATION K kernel instead') else: err_print =\ ['Invalid parametrization of likelihood kernel, choose:', '- {"L": L} L >= 0', '- {"L_eig_dec": (e_vals, e_vecs)} e_vals >= 0', '- {"L_gram_factor": Phi}, Phi (dxN) s.t. L = Phi.TPhi', '- {"L_eval_X_data": (eval_L, X_data)} X_data (dxN) and `eval_L` callable positive semi-definite kernel', 'Given: {}'.format(self.params_keys)] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) else: err_print =\ ['Invalid `kernel_type`, choose among:', '- `correlation`: K kernel', '- `likelihood`: L kernel' 'Given: {}'.format(self.params_keys)] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) ################## # Object methods # ##################
[docs] def info(self): """ Display infos about the :class:`FiniteDPP` object """ print(self.__str__())
[docs] def flush_samples(self): """ Empty the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute. .. see also:: - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_exact` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_mcmc` """ self.list_of_samples = [] self.size_k_dpp = 0
# Exact sampling
[docs] def sample_exact(self, mode='GS', **params): """ Sample exactly from the corresponding :class:`FiniteDPP <FiniteDPP>` object. :param mode: - ``projection=True``: - ``'GS'`` (default): Gram-Schmidt on the rows of :math:`\\mathbf{K}`. - ``'Chol'`` :cite:`Pou19` Algorithm 3 - ``'Schur'``: when DPP defined from correlation kernel ``K``, use Schur complement to compute conditionals - ``projection=False``: - ``'GS'`` (default): Gram-Schmidt on the rows of the eigenvectors of :math:`\\mathbf{K}` selected in Phase 1. - ``'GS_bis'``: Slight modification of ``'GS'`` - ``'Chol'`` :cite:`Pou19` Algorithm 1 - ``'KuTa12'``: Algorithm 1 in :cite:`KuTa12` - ``'vfx'``: the dpp-vfx rejection sampler in :cite:`DeCaVa19` :type mode: string, default ``'GS'`` :param dict params: Dictionary containing the parameters for exact samplers with keys - ``'random_state'`` (default None) - If ``mode='vfx'`` See :py:meth:`~dppy.exact_sampling.dpp_vfx_sampler` for a full list of all parameters accepted by 'vfx' sampling. We report here the most impactful + ``'rls_oversample_dppvfx'`` (default 4.0) Oversampling parameter used to construct dppvfx's internal Nystrom approximation. This makes each rejection round slower and more memory intensive, but reduces variance and the number of rounds of rejections. + ``'rls_oversample_bless'`` (default 4.0) Oversampling parameter used during bless's internal Nystrom approximation. This makes the one-time pre-processing slower and more memory intensive, but reduces variance and the number of rounds of rejections Empirically, a small factor [2,10] seems to work for both parameters. It is suggested to start with a small number and increase if the algorithm fails to terminate. :return: Returns a sample from the corresponding :class:`FiniteDPP <FiniteDPP>` object. In any case, the sample is appended to the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute as a list. :rtype: list .. note:: Each time you call this method, the sample is appended to the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute as a list. The :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute can be emptied using :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.flush_samples` .. caution:: The underlying kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K}`, resp. :math:`\\mathbf{L}` must be real valued for now. .. seealso:: - :ref:`finite_dpps_exact_sampling` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.flush_samples` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_mcmc` """ rng = check_random_state(params.get('random_state', None)) self.sampling_mode = mode if self.sampling_mode == 'Schur': if self.kernel_type=='correlation' and self.projection: self.compute_K() sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_kernel(self.K, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) else: err_print =\ ['`Schur` sampling mode is only available for projection DPPs, i.e., `kernel_type="correlation"` and `projection=True`', 'Given: {}'.format((self.kernel_type, self.projection))] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) elif self.sampling_mode == 'Chol': self.compute_K() if self.kernel_type=='correlation' and self.projection: sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_kernel(self.K, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) else: sampl, _ = dpp_sampler_generic_kernel(self.K, random_state=rng) elif self.sampling_mode == 'vfx': if self.eval_L is None or self.X_data is None: raise ValueError('The vfx sampler is currently only available with ' '{"L_eval_X_data": (L_eval, X_data)} representation.') params.pop("random_state",None) sampl, self.intermediate_sample_info = dpp_vfx_sampler( self.intermediate_sample_info, self.X_data, self.eval_L, random_state=rng, **params) # If eigen decoposition of K, L or L_dual is available USE IT! elif self.K_eig_vals is not None: # Phase 1 if self.kernel_type == 'correlation' and self.projection: V = self.eig_vecs[:, self.K_eig_vals > 0.5] else: V = dpp_eig_vecs_selector(self.K_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs, random_state=rng) # Phase 2 sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_eig(V, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.L_dual_eig_vals is not None: # Phase 1 V = dpp_eig_vecs_selector_L_dual(self.L_dual_eig_vals, self.L_dual_eig_vecs, self.L_gram_factor, random_state=rng) # Phase 2 sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_eig(V, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.L_eig_vals is not None: self.K_eig_vals = self.L_eig_vals / (1.0 + self.L_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact(mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) # If DPP defined via projection correlation kernel K # no eigendecomposition required elif self.K is not None and self.projection: sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_kernel(self.K, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.L_dual is not None: self.L_dual_eig_vals, self.L_dual_eig_vecs =\ la.eigh(self.L_dual) self.L_dual_eig_vals = is_geq_0(self.L_dual_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact(mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.K is not None: self.K_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = la.eigh(self.K) self.K_eig_vals = is_in_01(self.K_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact(mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.L is not None: self.L_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = la.eigh(self.L) self.L_eig_vals = is_geq_0(self.L_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact(mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) # If DPP defined through correlation kernel with parameter 'A_zono' # a priori you wish to use the zonotope approximate sampler elif self.A_zono is not None: warn('DPP defined via `A_zono`, apriori you want to use `sample_mcmc`, but you have called `sample_exact`') self.K_eig_vals = np.ones(self.A_zono.shape[0]) self.eig_vecs, _ = la.qr(self.A_zono.T, mode='economic') return self.sample_exact(mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.eval_L is not None and self.X_data is not None: self.compute_L() return self.sample_exact(mode=self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) else: raise ValueError('None of the available samplers could be used based on the current DPP representation. This should never happen, please consider rasing an issue on github at') self.list_of_samples.append(sampl) return sampl
[docs] def sample_exact_k_dpp(self, size, mode='GS', **params): """ Sample exactly from :math:`\\operatorname{k-DPP}`. A priori the :class:`FiniteDPP <FiniteDPP>` object was instanciated by its likelihood :math:`\\mathbf{L}` kernel so that .. math:: \\mathbb{P}_{\\operatorname{k-DPP}}(\\mathcal{X} = S) \\propto \\det \\mathbf{L}_S ~ 1_{|S|=k} :param size: size :math:`k` of the :math:`\\operatorname{k-DPP}` :type size: int :param mode: - ``projection=True``: - ``'GS'`` (default): Gram-Schmidt on the rows of :math:`\\mathbf{K}`. - ``'Schur'``: Use Schur complement to compute conditionals. - ``projection=False``: - ``'GS'`` (default): Gram-Schmidt on the rows of the eigenvectors of :math:`\\mathbf{K}` selected in Phase 1. - ``'GS_bis'``: Slight modification of ``'GS'`` - ``'KuTa12'``: Algorithm 1 in :cite:`KuTa12` - ``'vfx'``: the dpp-vfx rejection sampler in :cite:`DeCaVa19` :type mode: string, default ``'GS'`` :param dict params: Dictionary containing the parameters for exact samplers with keys ``'random_state'`` (default None) - If ``mode='vfx'`` See :py:meth:`~dppy.exact_sampling.k_dpp_vfx_sampler` for a full list of all parameters accepted by 'vfx' sampling. We report here the most impactful + ``'rls_oversample_dppvfx'`` (default 4.0) Oversampling parameter used to construct dppvfx's internal Nystrom approximation. This makes each rejection round slower and more memory intensive, but reduces variance and the number of rounds of rejections. + ``'rls_oversample_bless'`` (default 4.0) Oversampling parameter used during bless's internal Nystrom approximation. This makes the one-time pre-processing slower and more memory intensive, but reduces variance and the number of rounds of rejections Empirically, a small factor [2,10] seems to work for both parameters. It is suggested to start with a small number and increase if the algorithm fails to terminate. :return: A sample from the corresponding :math:`\\operatorname{k-DPP}`. In any case, the sample is appended to the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute as a list. :rtype: list .. note:: Each time you call this method, the sample is appended to the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute as a list. The :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute can be emptied using :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.flush_samples` .. caution:: The underlying kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K}`, resp. :math:`\\mathbf{L}` must be real valued for now. .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_exact` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_mcmc_k_dpp` """ rng = check_random_state(params.get('random_state', None)) self.sampling_mode = mode self.size_k_dpp = size if self.sampling_mode == 'vfx': if self.eval_L is None or self.X_data is None: raise ValueError("The vfx sampler is currently only available for the 'L_eval_X_data' representation.") params.pop("random_state", None) sampl, self.intermediate_sample_info = k_dpp_vfx_sampler( size, self.intermediate_sample_info, self.X_data, self.eval_L, random_state=rng, **params) # If DPP defined via projection kernel elif self.projection: if self.kernel_type == 'correlation': if self.K_eig_vals is not None: rank = np.rint(np.sum(self.K_eig_vals)).astype(int) elif self.A_zono is not None: rank = self.A_zono.shape[0] else: # self.K is not None rank = np.rint(np.trace(self.K)).astype(int) if size != rank: raise ValueError('size k={} != rank={} for projection correlation K kernel'.format(size, rank)) if self.K_eig_vals is not None: # K_eig_vals > 0.5 below to get indices where e_vals = 1 sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_eig( eig_vecs=self.eig_vecs[:, self.K_eig_vals > 0.5], mode=self.sampling_mode, size=size, random_state=rng) elif self.A_zono is not None: warn('DPP defined via `A_zono`, apriori you want to use `sampl_mcmc`, but you have called `sample_exact`') self.K_eig_vals = np.ones(rank) self.eig_vecs, _ = la.qr(self.A_zono.T, mode='economic') sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_eig(eig_vecs=self.eig_vecs, mode=self.sampling_mode, size=size, random_state=rng) else: sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_kernel(kernel=self.K, mode=self.sampling_mode, size=size, random_state=rng) else: # self.kernel_type == 'likelihood': if self.L_eig_vals is not None: # L_eig_vals > 0.5 below to get indices where e_vals = 1 sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_eig( eig_vecs=self.eig_vecs[:, self.L_eig_vals > 0.5], mode=self.sampling_mode, size=size, random_state=rng) else: self.compute_L() # size > rank treated internally in proj_dpp_sampler_kernel sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_kernel(self.L, mode=self.sampling_mode, size=size, random_state=rng) # If eigen decoposition of K, L or L_dual is available USE IT! elif self.L_eig_vals is not None: # Phase 1 # Precompute elementary symmetric polynomials if self.E_poly is None or self.size_k_dpp < size: self.E_poly = elementary_symmetric_polynomials(self.L_eig_vals, size) # Select eigenvectors V = k_dpp_eig_vecs_selector(self.L_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs, size=size, E_poly=self.E_poly, random_state=rng) # Phase 2 self.size_k_dpp = size sampl = proj_dpp_sampler_eig(V, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.L_dual_eig_vals is not None: # There is self.L_eig_vals = self.L_dual_eig_vals self.eig_vecs =\ self.L_dual_eig_vecs / np.sqrt(self.L_dual_eig_vals)) return self.sample_exact_k_dpp(size, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.K_eig_vals is not None: np.seterr(divide='raise') self.L_eig_vals = self.K_eig_vals / (1.0 - self.K_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact_k_dpp(size, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) # Otherwise eigendecomposition is necessary elif self.L_dual is not None: self.L_dual_eig_vals, self.L_dual_eig_vecs =\ la.eigh(self.L_dual) self.L_dual_eig_vals = is_geq_0(self.L_dual_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact_k_dpp(size, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.K is not None: self.K_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = la.eigh(self.K) self.K_eig_vals = is_in_01(self.K_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact_k_dpp(size, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.L is not None: self.L_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = la.eigh(self.L) self.L_eig_vals = is_geq_0(self.L_eig_vals) return self.sample_exact_k_dpp(size, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) elif self.eval_L is not None and self.X_data is not None: # In case mode!='vfx' self.compute_L() return self.sample_exact_k_dpp(size, self.sampling_mode, random_state=rng) else: raise ValueError('None of the available samplers could be used based on the current DPP representation. This should never happen, please consider rasing an issue on github at') self.list_of_samples.append(sampl) return sampl
# Approximate sampling
[docs] def sample_mcmc(self, mode, **params): """ Run a MCMC with stationary distribution the corresponding :class:`FiniteDPP <FiniteDPP>` object. :param string mode: - ``'AED'`` Add-Exchange-Delete - ``'AD'`` Add-Delete - ``'E'`` Exchange - ``'zonotope'`` Zonotope sampling :param dict params: Dictionary containing the parameters for MCMC samplers with keys ``'random_state'`` (default None) - If ``mode='AED','AD','E'`` + ``'s_init'`` (default None) Starting state of the Markov chain + ``'nb_iter'`` (default 10) Number of iterations of the chain + ``'T_max'`` (default None) Time horizon + ``'size'`` (default None) Size of the initial sample for ``mode='AD'/'E'`` * :math:`\\operatorname{rank}(\\mathbf{K})=\\operatorname{trace}(\\mathbf{K})` for projection :math:`\\mathbf{K}` (correlation) kernel and ``mode='E'`` - If ``mode='zonotope'``: + ``'lin_obj'`` linear objective in main optimization problem (default np.random.randn(N)) + ``'x_0'`` initial point in zonotope (default A*u, u~U[0,1]^n) + ``'nb_iter'`` (default 10) Number of iterations of the chain + ``'T_max'`` (default None) Time horizon :return: The last sample of the trajectory of Markov chain. In any case, the full trajectory of the Markov chain, made of ``params['nb_iter']`` samples, is appended to the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute as a list of lists. :rtype: list .. note:: Each time you call this method, the full trajectory of the Markov chain, made of ``params['nb_iter']`` samples, is appended to the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute as a list of lists. The :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.list_of_samples` attribute can be emptied using :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.flush_samples` .. seealso:: - :ref:`finite_dpps_mcmc_sampling` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_exact` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.flush_samples` """ self.sampling_mode = mode if self.sampling_mode == 'zonotope': if self.A_zono is not None: chain = zonotope_sampler(self.A_zono, **params) else: err_print = ['Invalid `mode=zonotope` parameter', 'DPP must be defined via `A_zono`', 'Given: {}'.format(self.params_keys)] raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) elif self.sampling_mode == 'E': if (self.kernel_type == 'correlation') and self.projection: self.compute_K() size = params.get('size', None) rank = np.rint(np.trace(self.K)).astype(int) # |sample| = Tr(K) = rank(K) a.s. for projection DPP(K) if size == rank: chain = dpp_sampler_mcmc(self.K, self.sampling_mode, **params) else: raise ValueError('size={} != rank={} for projection correlation K kernel'.format(size, rank)) else: self.compute_L() chain = dpp_sampler_mcmc(self.L, self.sampling_mode, **params) elif self.sampling_mode in ('AED', 'AD'): self.compute_L() chain = dpp_sampler_mcmc(self.L, self.sampling_mode, **params) else: err_print = ['Invalid `mode` parameter, choose among:', '- `AED`: Add-Exchange-Delete', '- `AD`: Add-Delete', '- `E`: Exchange', '- `zonotope`: projection correlation kernel only', 'Given: {}'.format(self.sampling_mode)] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) self.list_of_samples.append(chain) return chain[-1]
[docs] def sample_mcmc_k_dpp(self, size, mode='E', **params): """ Calls :py:meth:`~sample_mcmc` with ``mode='E'`` and ``params['size'] = size`` .. seealso:: - :ref:`finite_dpps_mcmc_sampling` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_mcmc` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.sample_exact_k_dpp` - :py:meth:`~FiniteDPP.flush_samples` """ self.sampling_mode = 'E' self.size_k_dpp = size params['size'] = size self.sample_mcmc(self.sampling_mode, **params)
[docs] def compute_K(self, msg=False): """ Compute the correlation kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K}` from the original parametrization of the :class:`FiniteDPP` object. The kernel is stored in the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.K` attribute. .. seealso:: :ref:`finite_dpps_relation_kernels` """ if self.K is not None: # msg = 'K (correlation) kernel available' # print(msg) pass else: if not msg: print('K (correlation) kernel computed via:') if self.K_eig_vals is not None: msg = '- U diag(eig_K) U.T' print(msg) self.K = (self.eig_vecs * self.K_eig_vals).dot(self.eig_vecs.T) elif self.A_zono is not None: msg = '\n'.join(['- K = A.T (AA.T)^-1 A, using', '- U = QR(A.T)', '- K = U U.T']) print(msg) self.K_eig_vals = np.ones(self.A_zono.shape[0]) self.eig_vecs, _ = la.qr(self.A_zono.T, mode='economic') self.K = elif self.L_eig_vals is not None: msg = '- eig_K = eig_L/(1+eig_L)' print(msg) self.K_eig_vals = self.L_eig_vals / (1.0 + self.L_eig_vals) self.compute_K(msg=True) elif self.L is not None: msg = '- eigendecomposition of L' print(msg) self.L_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = la.eigh(self.L) self.L_eig_vals = is_geq_0(self.L_eig_vals) self.compute_K(msg=True) else: self.compute_L(msg=True) self.compute_K(msg=True)
[docs] def compute_L(self, msg=False): """ Compute the likelihood kernel :math:`\\mathbf{L}` from the original parametrization of the :class:`FiniteDPP` object. The kernel is stored in the :py:attr:`~FiniteDPP.L` attribute. .. seealso:: :ref:`finite_dpps_relation_kernels` """ if self.L is not None: # msg = 'L (likelihood) kernel available' # print(msg) pass elif (self.kernel_type == 'correlation') and self.projection: err_print = ['L = K(I-K)^-1 = kernel cannot be computed:', 'K is projection kernel: some eigenvalues equal 1'] raise ValueError('\n'.join(err_print)) else: if not msg: print('L (likelihood) kernel computed via:') if self.L_eig_vals is not None: msg = '- U diag(eig_L) U.T' print(msg) self.L = (self.eig_vecs * self.L_eig_vals).dot(self.eig_vecs.T) elif self.L_gram_factor is not None: msg = '- L = Phi.T Phi, where Phi = L_gram_factor' print(msg) self.L = elif self.eval_L is not None: warn_print = ['Weird setting:', 'FiniteDPP(.., **{"L_eval_X_data": (eval_L, X_data)})', 'When using "L_eval_X_data", you are a priori working with a big `X_data` and not willing to compute the full likelihood kernel L', 'Right now, the computation of L=eval_L(X_data) is performed but might be very expensive, this is at your own risk!', 'You might also use FiniteDPP(.., **{"L": eval_L(X_data)})'] warn('\n'.join(warn_print)) msg = '- L = eval_L(X_data, X_data)' print(msg) self.L = self.eval_L(self.X_data) elif self.K_eig_vals is not None: try: # to compute eigenvalues of kernel L = K(I-K)^-1 msg = '- eig_L = eig_K/(1-eig_K)' print(msg) np.seterr(divide='raise') self.L_eig_vals = self.K_eig_vals / (1.0 - self.K_eig_vals) self.compute_L(msg=True) except FloatingPointError: err_print = ['Eigenvalues of L kernel cannot be computed', 'eig_L = eig_K/(1-eig_K)', 'K kernel has some eig_K very close to 1', 'Hint: `K` kernel might be a projection'] raise FloatingPointError('\n'.join(err_print)) elif self.K is not None: msg = '- eigendecomposition of K' print(msg) self.K_eig_vals, self.eig_vecs = la.eigh(self.K) self.K_eig_vals = is_in_01(self.K_eig_vals) self.compute_L(msg=True) else: self.compute_K(msg=True) self.compute_L(msg=True)
[docs] def plot_kernel(self, title=''): """Display a heatmap of the kernel used to define the :class:`FiniteDPP` object (correlation kernel :math:`\\mathbf{K}` or likelihood kernel :math:`\\mathbf{L}`) :param title: Plot title :type title: string """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) if self.kernel_type == 'correlation': self.compute_K() nb_items, kernel_to_plot = self.K.shape[0], self.K str_title = r'$K$ (correlation) kernel' elif self.kernel_type == 'likelihood': self.compute_L() nb_items, kernel_to_plot = self.L.shape[0], self.L str_title = r'$L$ (likelihood) kernel' heatmap = ax.pcolor(kernel_to_plot, cmap='jet') ax.set_aspect('equal') ticks = np.arange(nb_items) ticks_label = [r'${}$'.format(tic) for tic in ticks] ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xticks(ticks + 0.5, minor=False) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_yticks(ticks + 0.5, minor=False) ax.set_xticklabels(ticks_label, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(ticks_label, minor=False) plt.title(title if title else str_title, y=1.1) plt.colorbar(heatmap)