Source code for dppy.beta_ensembles

# coding: utf8
""" Implementation of the meta-class :class:`BetaEnsemble` see :math:`\\beta-`:ref:`Ensembles<beta_ensembles>` with children:

- :class:`HermiteEnsemble`
- :class:`LaguerreEnsemble`
- :class:`JacobiEnsemble`
- :class:`CircularEnsemble`
- :class:`GinibreEnsemble`

Such objects have 4 main methods:

- :py:func:`sample_full_model`
- :py:func:`sample_banded_model`
- :py:func:`plot` to display a scatter plot of the last sample and eventually the limiting distribution (after normalization)
- :py:func:`hist` to display a histogram of the last sample and eventually the limiting distribution (after normalization)

.. seealso:

    `Documentation on ReadTheDocs <>`_

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from re import findall  # to convert class names to string

import dppy.random_matrices as rm
from dppy.utils import check_random_state

[docs]class BetaEnsemble(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ :math:`\\beta`-Ensemble object parametrized by :param beta: :math:`\\beta >= 0` inverse temperature parameter. The default :py:attr:`beta`:math:`=2` corresponds to the DPP case, see :ref:`beta_ensembles_definition_OPE` :type beta: int, float, default :math:`2` .. seealso:: - :math:`\\beta`-Ensembles :ref:`definition <beta_ensembles_definition>` """ def __init__(self, beta=2): if not (beta >= 0): raise ValueError('`beta` must be >=0. Given: {}'.format(self.beta)) self.beta = beta # Split object name at uppercase = ' '.join(findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', self.__class__.__name__)) self.params = {'size_N': 10} # Number of points and ref measure params self.sampling_mode = '' self.list_of_samples = [] @property def _str_title(self): return r'Realization of {} points of {} with $\beta={}$'.format( self.params['size_N'],, self.beta) def __str__(self): str_info = ('{} with beta = {}'.format(, self.beta), 'sampling parameters = {}'.format(self.params), 'number of samples = {}'.format(len(self.list_of_samples))) return '\n'.join(str_info)
[docs] def flush_samples(self): """ Empty the :py:attr:`list_of_samples` attribute. """ self.list_of_samples = []
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample_full_model(self): """Sample from underlying :math:`\\beta`-Ensemble using the corresponding full matrix model. Arguments are the associated matrix dimensions """
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample_banded_model(self): """Sample from underlying :math:`\\beta`-Ensemble using the corresponding banded matrix model. Arguments are the associated reference measure's parameters, or the matrix dimensions used in :py:meth:`sample_full_model` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def plot(self): """Display last realization of the underlying :math:`\\beta`-Ensemble. For some :math:`\\beta`-Ensembles, a normalization argument is available to display the limiting (or equilibrium) distribution and scale the points accordingly. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def hist(self): """Display histogram of the last realization of the underlying :math:`\\beta`-Ensemble. For some :math:`\\beta`-Ensembles, a normalization argument is available to display the limiting (or equilibrium) distribution and scale the points accordingly. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def normalize_points(self): """ Normalize points ormalization argument is available to display the limiting (or equilibrium) distribution and scale the points accordingly. """
[docs]class HermiteEnsemble(BetaEnsemble): """ Hermite Ensemble object .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <hermite_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble """ def __init__(self, beta=2): super().__init__(beta=beta) # Default parameters for ``loc`` and ``scale`` correspond to the # reference measure N(0,2) in the full matrix model params = {'loc': 0.0, 'scale': np.sqrt(2.0), 'size_N': 10} self.params.update(params)
[docs] def sample_full_model(self, size_N=10, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`full matrix model <Hermite_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble. Only available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`\\in\\{1, 2, 4\\}` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. points from the Gaussian :math:`\\mathcal{N}(\\mu,\\sigma^2)` reference measure :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` .. note:: The reference measure associated with the :ref:`full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` is :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0,2)`. For this reason, in the :py:attr:`sampling_params` attribute, the values of the parameters are set to ``loc``:math:`=0` and ``scale``:math:`=\\sqrt{2}`. To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N`` parameter. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble - :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'full' params = {'loc': 0.0, 'scale': np.sqrt(2.0), 'size_N': size_N} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet # Sample N i.i.d. gaussian N(0,2) sampl = rng.normal(loc=self.params['loc'], scale=self.params['scale'], size=self.params['size_N']) else: # if beta > 0 sampl = rm.hermite_sampler_full(N=self.params['size_N'], beta=self.beta, random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def sample_banded_model(self, loc=0.0, scale=np.sqrt(2.0), size_N=10, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`tridiagonal matrix model <hermite_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite Ensemble. Available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. points from the Gaussian :math:`\\mathcal{N}(\\mu,\\sigma^2)` reference measure :param loc: Mean :math:`\\mu` of the Gaussian :math:`\\mathcal{N}(\\mu, \\sigma^2)` :type loc: float, default :math:`0` :param scale: Standard deviation :math:`\\sigma` of the Gaussian :math:`\\mathcal{N}(\\mu, \\sigma^2)` :type scale: float, default :math:`\\sqrt{2}` :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` .. note:: The reference measure associated with the :ref:`full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` is :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0,2)`. For this reason, in the :py:attr:`sampling_params` attribute, the default values are set to ``loc``:math:`=0` and ``scale``:math:`=\\sqrt{2}`. To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N`` parameter. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <hermite_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble - :cite:`DuEd02` II-C - :py:meth:`sample_full_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'banded' params = {'loc': loc, 'scale': scale, 'size_N': size_N} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet # Sample N i.i.d. gaussian N(mu, sigma^2) sampl = rng.normal(loc=self.params['loc'], scale=self.params['scale'], size=self.params['size_N']) else: # if beta > 0 sampl = rm.mu_ref_normal_sampler_tridiag( loc=self.params['loc'], scale=self.params['scale'], beta=self.beta, size=self.params['size_N'], random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def normalize_points(self, points): """ Normalize points obtained after sampling to fit the limiting distribution, i.e., the semi-circle .. math:: f(x) = \\frac{1}{2\\pi} \\sqrt{4-x^2} :param points: A sample from Hermite ensemble, accessible through the :py:attr:`list_of_samples` attribute :type points: array_like - If sampled using :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with reference measure :math:`\\mathcal{N}(\\mu,\\sigma^2)` 1. Normalize the points to fit the p.d.f. of :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0,2)` reference measure of the :ref:`full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` .. math:: x \\mapsto \\sqrt{2}\\frac{x-\\mu}{\\sigma} 2. If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, normalize the points to fit the semi-circle distribution .. math:: x \\mapsto \\frac{x}{\\beta N} Otherwise if :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` do nothing more - If sampled using :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, apply 2. above .. note:: This method is called in :py:meth:`plot` and :py:meth:`hist` when ``normalization=True`` """ if self.sampling_mode == 'banded': # Normalize to fit N(0,2) ref measure of the full matrix model points -= self.params['loc'] points /= np.sqrt(0.5) * self.params['scale'] else: # 'full' pass if self.beta > 0: # Normalize to fit the semi-circle distribution points /= np.sqrt(self.beta * self.params['size_N']) else: pass return points
def __display_and_normalization(self, display_type, normalization): if not self.list_of_samples: raise ValueError('Empty `list_of_samples`,sample first!') else: points = self.list_of_samples[-1].copy() # Pick last sample if normalization: points = self.normalize_points(points) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Title str_beta = '' if self.beta > 0 else 'with i.i.d. draws' title = '\n'.join([self._str_title, str_beta]) plt.title(title) if self.beta == 0: if normalization: # Display N(0,2) reference measure of the full matrix model mu, sigma = 0.0, np.sqrt(2.0) x = mu + 3.5 * sigma * np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) ax.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=r'$\mathcal{{N}}(0,2)$') else: pass else: # self.beta > 0 if normalization: # Display the limiting distribution: semi-circle law x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100) ax.plot(x, rm.semi_circle_law(x), 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=r'$f_{semi-circle}$') else: pass if display_type == 'scatter': ax.scatter(points, np.zeros_like(points), c='blue', label='sample') elif display_type == 'hist': ax.hist(points, bins=30, density=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5, label='hist') else: pass plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
[docs] def plot(self, normalization=True): """ Display the last realization of the :class:`HermiteEnsemble` object :param normalization: When ``True``, the points are first normalized (see :py:meth:`normalize_points`) so that they concentrate as - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0`, the :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0, 2)` reference measure associated to full :ref:`full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, the limiting distribution, i.e., the semi-circle distribution in both cases, the corresponding p.d.f. is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`hist` - :ref:`Full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <hermite_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('scatter', normalization)
[docs] def hist(self, normalization=True): """ Display the histogram of the last realization of the :class:`HermiteEnsemble` object. :param normalization: When ``True``, the points are first normalized (see :py:meth:`normalize_points`) so that they concentrate as - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0`, the :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0, 2)` reference measure associated to full :ref:`full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, the limiting distribution, i.e., the semi-circle distribution in both cases, the corresponding p.d.f. is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`plot` - :ref:`Full matrix model <hermite_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <hermite_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Hermite ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('hist', normalization)
[docs]class LaguerreEnsemble(BetaEnsemble): """ Laguerre Ensemble object .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <laguerre_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble """ def __init__(self, beta=2): super().__init__(beta=beta) params = {'shape': 0.0, 'scale': 2.0, 'size_N': 10, 'size_M': None} self.params.update(params)
[docs] def sample_full_model(self, size_N=10, size_M=100, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`full matrix model <Laguerre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble. Only available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`\\in\\{1, 2, 4\\}` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. points from the :math:`\\Gamma(k,\\theta)` reference measure :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized. First dimension of the matrix used to form the covariance matrix to be diagonalized, see :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` :param size_M: Second dimension :math:`M` of the matrix used to form the covariance matrix to be diagonalized, see :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_M: int, default :math:`100` .. note:: The reference measure associated with the :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>` is :math:`\\Gamma\\left(\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M-N+1), 2\\right)`. For this reason, in the :py:attr:`sampling_params`, the values of the parameters are set to ``shape``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M-N+1)` and ``scale``:math:`=2`. To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N`` and ``size_M`` parameters. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <Laguerre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble - :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'full' if size_M >= size_N: # Define the parameters of the associated Gamma distribution shape, scale = 0.5 * self.beta * (size_M - size_N + 1), 2.0 else: err_print = ('Must have M >= N.', 'Given: M={} < N={}'.format(size_M, size_N)) raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) params = {'shape': shape, 'scale': scale, 'size_N': size_N, 'size_M': size_M} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet # rng.gamma(shape=0,...) when doesn't return error! contrary to sp.stats.gamma(a=0).rvs(), see # sampl = stats.gamma.rvs(a=params['shape'], loc=0.0, scale=params['scale'], size=params['size_N']) if params['shape'] > 0: sampl = rng.gamma(shape=self.params['shape'], scale=self.params['scale'], size=self.params['size_N']) else: err_print = ('shape<=0.', 'Here beta=0, hence shape=beta/2*(M-N+1)=0') raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) else: # if beta > 0 sampl = rm.laguerre_sampler_full(M=self.params['size_M'], N=self.params['size_N'], beta=self.beta, random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def sample_banded_model(self, shape=1.0, scale=2.0, size_N=10, size_M=None, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`tridiagonal matrix model <Laguerre_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble. Available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. points from the :math:`\\Gamma(k,\\theta)` reference measure :param shape: Shape parameter :math:`k` of :math:`\\Gamma(k, \\theta)` reference measure :type shape: float, default :math:`1` :param scale: Scale parameter :math:`\\theta` of :math:`\\Gamma(k, \\theta)` reference measure :type scale: float, default :math:`2.0` :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized. Equivalent to the first dimension :math:`N` of the matrix used to form the covariance matrix in the :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` :param size_M: Equivalent to the second dimension :math:`M` of the matrix used to form the covariance matrix in the :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_M: int, default None - If ``size_M`` is not provided: In the :py:attr:`sampling_params`, ``size_M`` is set to ``size_M``:math:`= \\frac{2k}{\\beta} + N - 1`, to give an idea of the corresponding second dimension :math:`M`. - If ``size_M`` is provided: In the :py:attr:`sampling_params`, ``shape`` and ``scale`` are set to: ``shape``:math:`=\\frac{1}{2} \\beta (M-N+1)` and ``scale``:math:`=2` .. note:: The reference measure associated with the :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>` is :math:`\\Gamma\\left(\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M-N+1), 2\\right)`. This explains the role of the ``size_M`` parameter. To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N`` and ``size_M`` parameters .. seealso:: - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <Laguerre_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble - :cite:`DuEd02` III-B - :py:meth:`sample_full_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'banded' if not size_M: # Default setting if self.beta > 0: size_M = 2 / self.beta * shape + size_N - 1 else: size_M = np.inf elif size_M >= size_N: # define the parameters of the associated Gamma distribution shape, scale = 0.5 * self.beta * (size_M - size_N + 1), 2.0 else: err_print = ('Must have M >= N.', 'Given: M={} < N={}'.format(size_M, size_N)) raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) params = {'shape': shape, 'scale': scale, 'size_N': size_N, 'size_M': size_M} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet # rng.gamma(shape=0,...) when doesn't return error! contrary to sp.stats.gamma(a=0).rvs(), see # sampl = stats.gamma.rvs(a=params['shape'], loc=0.0, scale=params['scale'], size=params['size_N']) if params['shape'] > 0: sampl = rng.gamma(shape=self.params['shape'], scale=self.params['scale'], size=self.params['size_N']) else: err_print = ('shape<=0.', 'Here beta=0, hence shape=beta/2*(M-N+1)=0') raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) else: # if beta > 0 sampl = rm.mu_ref_gamma_sampler_tridiag(shape=self.params['shape'], scale=self.params['scale'], beta=self.beta, size=self.params['size_N'], random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def normalize_points(self, points): """ Normalize points obtained after sampling to fit the limiting distribution, i.e., the Marcenko-Pastur distribution .. math:: \\frac{1}{2\\pi} \\frac{\\sqrt{(\\lambda_+-x)(x-\\lambda_-)}}{cx} 1_{[\\lambda_-,\\lambda_+]} dx where :math:`c = \\frac{M}{N}` and :math:`\\lambda_\\pm = (1\\pm\\sqrt{c})^2` :param points: A sample from Laguerre ensemble, accessible through the :py:attr:`list_of_samples` attribute :type points: array_like - If sampled using :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with reference measure :math:`\\Gamma(k,\\theta)` .. math:: x \\mapsto \\frac{2x}{\\theta} \\quad \\text{and} \\quad x \\mapsto \\frac{x}{\\beta M} - If sampled using :py:meth:`sample_full_model` .. math:: x \\mapsto \\frac{x}{\\beta M} .. note:: This method is called in :py:meth:`plot` and :py:meth:`hist` when ``normalization=True``. """ if self.sampling_mode == 'banded': # Normalize to fit Gamma(*,2) refe measure of the full matrix model points /= 0.5 * self.params['scale'] else: # self.sampling_mode == 'full': pass if self.beta > 0: # Normalize to fit the Marcenko-Pastur distribution points /= self.beta * self.params['size_M'] else: pass # set a warning, won't concentrate as semi-circle, they are i.i.d. return points
def __display_and_normalization(self, display_type, normalization): if not self.list_of_samples: raise ValueError('Empty `list_of_samples`, sample first!') else: points = self.list_of_samples[-1].copy() # Pick last sample if normalization: points = self.normalize_points(points) N, M = [self.params[key] for key in ['size_N', 'size_M']] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Title str_ratio = r'with ratio $M/N \approx {:.3f}$'.format(M / N) # Answers Issue #33 raised by @adrienhardy str_beta = '' if self.beta > 0 else 'with i.i.d. draws' title = '\n'.join([self._str_title, ' '.join([str_ratio, str_beta])]) plt.title(title) if self.beta == 0: if normalization: # Display Gamma(k,2) reference measure of the full matrix model k, theta = self.params['shape'], 2 x = np.linspace(0, np.max(points) + 4, 100) ax.plot(x, stats.gamma.pdf(x, a=k, loc=0.0, scale=theta), 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=r'$\Gamma({},{})$'.format(k, theta)) else: # self.beta > 0 if normalization: # Display the limiting distribution: Marcenko-Pastur x = np.linspace(1e-2, np.max(points) + 0.3, 100) ax.plot(x, rm.marcenko_pastur_law(x, M, N), 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=r'$f_{Marcenko-Pastur}$') if display_type == 'scatter': ax.scatter(points, np.zeros_like(points), c='blue', label='sample') elif display_type == 'hist': ax.hist(points, bins=30, density=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5, label='hist') else: pass plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
[docs] def plot(self, normalization=True): """ Display the last realization of the :class:`LaguerreEnsemble` object :param normalization: When ``True``, the points are first normalized (see :py:meth:`normalize_points`) so that they concentrate as - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0`, the :math:`\\Gamma(k, 2)` reference measure associated to full :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, the limiting distribution, i.e., the Marcenko-Pastur distribution in both cases the corresponding p.d.f. is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`hist` - :ref:`Full matrix model <Laguerre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <Laguerre_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('scatter', normalization)
[docs] def hist(self, normalization=True): """ Display the histogram of the last realization of the :class:`LaguerreEnsemble` object. :param normalization: When ``True``, the points are first normalized (see :py:meth:`normalize_points`) so that they concentrate as - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0`, the :math:`\\Gamma(k, 2)` reference measure associated to full :ref:`full matrix model <laguerre_full_matrix_model>` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, the limiting distribution, i.e., the Marcenko-Pastur distribution in both cases the corresponding p.d.f. is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`plot` - :ref:`Full matrix model <Laguerre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <Laguerre_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Laguerre ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('hist', normalization)
[docs]class JacobiEnsemble(BetaEnsemble): """ Jacobi Ensemble object .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble """ def __init__(self, beta=2): super().__init__(beta=beta) params = {'a': 1.0, 'b': 1.0, 'size_N': 10, 'size_M1': None, 'size_M2': None} self.params.update(params)
[docs] def sample_full_model(self, size_N=100, size_M1=150, size_M2=200, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`full matrix model <Jacobi_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble. Only available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`\\in\\{1, 2, 4\\}` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. points from the :math:`\\operatorname{Beta}(a,b)` reference measure :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized. First dimension of the matrix used to form the covariance matrix to be diagonalized, see :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_N: int, default :math:`100` :param size_M1: Second dimension :math:`M_1` of the first matrix used to form the matrix to be diagonalized, see :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_M1: int, default :math:`150` :param size_M2: Second dimension :math:`M_2` of the second matrix used to form the matrix to be diagonalized, see :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_M2: int, default :math:`200` .. note:: The reference measure associated with the :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>` is .. math:: \\operatorname{Beta}\\left(\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_1-N+1), \\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_2-N+1)\\right) For this reason, in the :py:attr:`sampling_params` attribute, the values of the parameters are set to ``a``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_1-N+1)` and ``b``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_2-N+1)`. To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N``, ``size_M2`` and ``size_M2`` parameters. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <Jacobi_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble - :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'full' if (size_M1 >= size_N) and (size_M2 >= size_N): # all([var >= size_N for var in [size_M1, size_M2]] a = 0.5 * self.beta * (size_M1 - size_N + 1) b = 0.5 * self.beta * (size_M2 - size_N + 1) else: err_print = ('Must have M1, M2 >= N.', 'Given: M1={}, M2={} and N={}'.format(size_M1, size_M2, size_N)) raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) params = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'size_N': size_N, 'size_M1': size_M1, 'size_M2': size_M2} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet # Sample i.i.d. Beta(a,b) if size_M1,2 were used a,b = beta/2 (M_1,2 - N + 1) = 0 => ERROR sampl = rng.beta(a=self.params['a'], b=self.params['b'], size=self.params['size_N']) else: sampl = rm.jacobi_sampler_full(M_1=self.params['size_M1'], M_2=self.params['size_M2'], N=self.params['size_N'], beta=self.beta, random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def sample_banded_model(self, a=1.0, b=2.0, size_N=10, size_M1=None, size_M2=None, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`tridiagonal matrix model <Jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble. Available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. points from the :math:`\\operatorname{Beta}(a,b)` reference measure :param shape: Shape parameter :math:`k` of :math:`\\Gamma(k, \\theta)` reference measure :type shape: float, default :math:`1` :param scale: Scale parameter :math:`\\theta` of :math:`\\Gamma(k, \\theta)` reference measure :type scale: float, default :math:`2.0` :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized. Equivalent to the first dimension :math:`N` of the matrices used in the :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` :param size_M1: Equivalent to the second dimension :math:`M_1` of the first matrix used in the :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_M1: int :param size_M2: Equivalent to the second dimension :math:`M_2` of the second matrix used in the :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>`. :type size_M2: int .. note:: The reference measure associated with the :ref:`full matrix model <jacobi_full_matrix_model>` is : .. math:: \\operatorname{Beta}\\left(\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_1-N+1), \\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_2-N+1)\\right) For this reason, in the :py:attr:`sampling_params` attribute, the values of the parameters are set to ``a``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_1-N+1)` and ``b``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_2-N+1)`. To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N``, ``size_M2`` and ``size_M2`` parameters. - If ``size_M1`` and ``size_M2`` are not provided: In the :py:attr:`sampling_params` attribute, ``size_M1,2`` are set to ``size_M1``:math:`= \\frac{2a}{\\beta} + N - 1` and ``size_M2``:math:`= \\frac{2b}{\\beta} + N - 1`, to give an idea of the corresponding second dimensions :math:`M_{1,2}`. - If ``size_M1`` and ``size_M2`` are provided: In the :py:attr:`sampling_params` attribute, ``a`` and ``b`` are set to: ``a``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_1-N+1)` and ``b``:math:`=\\frac{\\beta}{2}(M_2-N+1)`. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <Jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble - :cite:`KiNe04` Theorem 2 - :py:meth:`sample_full_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'banded' if not (size_M1 and size_M2): # default setting if self.beta > 0: size_M1 = 2 / self.beta * a + size_N - 1 size_M2 = 2 / self.beta * b + size_N - 1 else: size_M1, size_M2 = np.inf, np.inf elif (size_M1 >= size_N) and (size_M2 >= size_N): # all([var >= size_N for var in [size_M1, size_M2]] a = 0.5 * self.beta * (size_M1 - size_N + 1) b = 0.5 * self.beta * (size_M2 - size_N + 1) else: err_print = ('Must have M1, M2 >= N.', 'Given: M1={}, M2={} and N={}'.format(size_M1, size_M2, size_N)) raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) params = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'size_N': size_N, 'size_M1': size_M1, 'size_M2': size_M2} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet # Sample i.i.d. Beta(a,b) # If size_M1,2 is used a, b = beta/2 (M1,2 - N + 1) = 0 => ERROR sampl = rng.beta(a=self.params['a'], b=self.params['b'], size=self.params['size_N']) else: sampl = rm.mu_ref_beta_sampler_tridiag(a=self.params['a'], b=self.params['b'], beta=self.beta, size=self.params['size_N'], random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def normalize_points(self, points): """No need to renormalize the points """ return points
def __display_and_normalization(self, display_type, normalization): if not self.list_of_samples: raise ValueError('Empty `list_of_samples`, sample first!') else: points = self.list_of_samples[-1].copy() # Pick last sample N, M_1, M_2 = [self.params[key] for key in ['size_N', 'size_M1', 'size_M2']] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Title, answers Issue #33 raised by @adrienhardy str_ratio = ', '.join(['with ratios', r'$M_1/N \approx {:.3f}$'.format(M_1 / N), r'$M_2/N \approx {:.3f}$'.format(M_2 / N)]) str_beta = '' if self.beta > 0 else 'with i.i.d. draws' title = '\n'.join([self._str_title, ' '.join([str_ratio, str_beta])]) plt.title(title) if self.beta == 0: if normalization: # Display Beta(a,b) reference measure a, b = [self.params[key] for key in ['a', 'b']] x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) ax.plot(x, stats.beta.pdf(x, a=a, b=b), 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=r'$\operatorname{{Beta}}({},{})$'.format(a, b)) else: # self.beta > 0 if normalization: # Display the limiting distribution: Wachter law eps = 5e-3 x = np.linspace(eps, 1.0 - eps, 500) ax.plot(x, rm.wachter_law(x, M_1, M_2, N), 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.6, label=r'$f_{Wachter}$') if display_type == 'scatter': ax.scatter(points, np.zeros_like(points), c='blue', label='sample') elif display_type == 'hist': ax.hist(points, bins=30, density=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5, label='hist') else: pass plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
[docs] def plot(self, normalization=True): """ Display the last realization of the :class:`JacobiEnsemble` object :param normalization: When ``True`` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0`, display the p.d.f. of the :math:`\\operatorname{Beta}(a, b)` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, display the limiting distribution, i.e., the Wachter distribution :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`hist` - :ref:`Full matrix model <Jacobi_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <Jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('scatter', normalization)
[docs] def hist(self, normalization=True): """ Display the histogram of the last realization of the :class:`JacobiEnsemble` object. :param normalization: When ``True`` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0`, display the p.d.f. of the :math:`\\operatorname{Beta}(a, b)` - If :py:attr:`beta` :math:`>0`, display the limiting distribution, i.e., the Wachter distribution :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`plot` - :ref:`Full matrix model <Jacobi_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble - :ref:`Tridiagonal matrix model <Jacobi_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Jacobi ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('hist', normalization)
[docs]class CircularEnsemble(BetaEnsemble): """ Circular Ensemble object .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <circular_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble - :ref:`Quindiagonal matrix model <circular_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble """ def __init__(self, beta=2): if not isinstance(beta, int): raise ValueError('`beta` must be int >0. Given: {}'.format(beta)) super().__init__(beta=beta) params = {'size_N': 10} self.params.update(params)
[docs] def sample_full_model(self, size_N=10, haar_mode='Hermite', random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`tridiagonal matrix model <Circular_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble. Only available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`\\in\\{1, 2, 4\\}` and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. uniform points on the unit circle :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` :param haar_mode: Sample Haar measure i.e. uniformly on the orthogonal/unitary/symplectic group using: - 'QR', - 'Hermite' :type haar_mode: str, default 'hermite' .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <circular_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble - :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'full' params = {'size_N': size_N, 'haar_mode': haar_mode} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # i.i.d. points uniformly on the circle # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet sampl = np.exp(2 * 1j * np.pi * rng.rand(params['size_N'])) else: sampl = rm.circular_sampler_full( N=self.params['size_N'], beta=self.beta, haar_mode=self.params['haar_mode'], random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def sample_banded_model(self, size_N=10, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`Quindiagonal matrix model <Circular_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular Ensemble. Available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`\\in\\mathbb{N}^*`, and the degenerate case :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=0` corresponding to i.i.d. uniform points on the unit circle :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` .. note:: To compare :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` with :py:meth:`sample_full_model` simply use the ``size_N`` parameter. .. seealso:: - :ref:`Quindiagonal matrix model <circular_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble - :py:meth:`sample_full_model` """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.sampling_mode = 'banded' params = {'size_N': size_N} self.params.update(params) if self.beta == 0: # i.i.d. points uniformly on the circle # Answer issue #28 raised by @rbardenet sampl = np.exp(2 * 1j * np.pi * rng.rand(params['size_N'])) else: sampl = rm.mu_ref_unif_unit_circle_sampler_quindiag( beta=self.beta, size=self.params['size_N'], random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def normalize_points(self, points): """No need to renormalize the points """ return points
def __display_and_normalization(self, display_type, normalization): if not self.list_of_samples: raise ValueError('Empty `list_of_samples`, sample first!') else: points = self.list_of_samples[-1].copy() # Pick last sample fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Title samp_mod = '' if self.beta == 0: samp_mod = r'i.i.d samples from $\mathcal{U}_{[0,2\pi]}$' elif self.sampling_mode == 'full': samp_mod = 'full matrix model with haar_mode={}'.format( self.params['haar_mode']) else: # self.sampling_mode == 'banded': samp_mod = 'quindiag model' title = '\n'.join([self._str_title, 'using {}'.format(samp_mod)]) plt.title(title) if display_type == 'scatter': if normalization: # Draw unit circle unit_circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 1, color='r', fill=False) ax.add_artist(unit_circle) ax.set_xlim([-1.3, 1.3]) ax.set_ylim([-1.3, 1.3]) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.scatter(points.real, points.imag, c='blue', label='sample') elif display_type == 'hist': points = np.angle(points) if normalization: # Uniform distribution on [0, 2pi] ax.axhline(y=1 / (2 * np.pi), color='r', label=r'$\frac{1}{2\pi}$') ax.hist(points, bins=30, density=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5, label='hist') else: pass plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
[docs] def plot(self, normalization=True): """ Display the last realization of the :class:`CircularEnsemble` object. :param normalization: When ``True``, the unit circle is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`hist` - :ref:`Full matrix model <circular_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble - :ref:`Quindiagonal matrix model <circular_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('scatter', normalization)
[docs] def hist(self, normalization=True): """ Display the histogram of the angles :math:`\\theta_{1}, \\dots, \\theta_{N}` associated to the last realization :math:`\\left\\{ e^{i \\theta_{1}}, \\dots, e^{i \\theta_{N}} \\right\\}`of the :class:`CircularEnsemble` object. :param normalization: When ``True``, the limiting distribution of the angles, i.e., the uniform distribution in :math:`[0, 2\\pi]` is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`sample_full_model`, :py:meth:`sample_banded_model` - :py:meth:`plot` - :ref:`Full matrix model <circular_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble - :ref:`Quindiagonal matrix model <circular_banded_matrix_model>` associated to the Circular ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('hist', normalization)
[docs]class GinibreEnsemble(BetaEnsemble): """ Ginibre Ensemble object .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <ginibre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Ginibre ensemble """ def __init__(self, beta=2): if beta != 2: err_print = ('Ginibre ensemble is only available for `beta`=2.', 'Given {}'.format(beta)) raise ValueError(' '.join(err_print)) super().__init__(beta=beta) params = {'size_N': 10} self.params.update(params)
[docs] def sample_full_model(self, size_N=10, random_state=None): """ Sample from :ref:`full matrix model <Ginibre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Ginibre ensemble. Only available for :py:attr:`beta` :math:`=2` :param size_N: Number :math:`N` of points, i.e., size of the matrix to be diagonalized :type size_N: int, default :math:`10` .. seealso:: - :ref:`Full matrix model <ginibre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Ginibre ensemble """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) self.params.update({'size_N': size_N}) sampl = rm.ginibre_sampler_full(N=self.params['size_N'], random_state=rng) self.list_of_samples.append(sampl)
[docs] def sample_banded_model(self, *args, **kwargs): """ No banded model is known for Ginibre, use :py:meth:`sample_full_model` """ raise NotImplementedError('No banded model is known for Ginibre, use `sample_full_model`')
[docs] def normalize_points(self, points): """ Normalize points to concentrate in the unit disk. .. math:: x \\mapsto \\frac{x}{\\sqrt{N}} .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`plot` - :py:meth:`hist` """ return points / np.sqrt(self.params['size_N'])
def __display_and_normalization(self, display_type, normalization): if not self.list_of_samples: raise ValueError('Empty `list_of_samples`, sample first!') else: points = self.list_of_samples[-1].copy() # Pick last sample if normalization: points = self.normalize_points(points) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) title = self._str_title if display_type == 'scatter': if normalization: # Draw unit circle unit_circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 1, color='r', fill=False) ax.add_artist(unit_circle) ax.set_xlim([-1.3, 1.3]) ax.set_ylim([-1.3, 1.3]) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.scatter(points.real, points.imag, c='blue', label='sample') elif display_type == 'hist': title = '\n'.join([title, 'Histogram of the modulus of each points']) if normalization: ax.plot([0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 0], color='r') bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 20) ax.hist(np.abs(points), bins=bins, density=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5, label='hist') else: pass plt.title(title) # plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
[docs] def plot(self, normalization=True): """ Display the last realization of the :class:`GinibreEnsemble` object :param normalization: When ``True``, the points are first normalized so as to concentrate in the unit disk (see :py:meth:`normalize_points`) and the unit circle is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`sample_full_model` - :ref:`Full matrix model <ginibre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Ginibre ensemble ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('scatter', normalization)
[docs] def hist(self, normalization=True): """ Display the histogram of the radius of the points the last realization of the :class:`GinibreEnsemble` object :param normalization: When ``True``, the points are first normalized so as to concentrate in the unit disk (see :py:meth:`normalize_points`) and the limiting density :math:`2r 1_{[0, 1]}(r)` of the radii is displayed :type normalization: bool, default ``True`` .. seealso:: - :py:meth:`normalize_points` - :py:meth:`sample_full_model` - :ref:`Full matrix model <ginibre_full_matrix_model>` associated to the Ginibre ensemble ensemble """ self.__display_and_normalization('hist', normalization)